Displaying 461 - 470 of 633.
Salah Sileem expressed the opinion that the political aim of the powerful countries was to weaken Egypt as a political entity and that imperialistic organizations had penetrated civil society through the Masonic groups and organizations that are pro normalization [of relations with Israel]. Gamal...
Ra’afat Al-Mehi’s script "Hurghada...the Magic of Love," deals with the issue of mixed marriages between Muslim men and Christian women. He expresses the opinion that the restrictions religions put on marriage are nothing more than stupidity practiced by priests and sheikhs and that to solve the...
Al-Nabaa crisis makes the author believe that the Mossad is trying to bring destruction to Egypt’s one people. An Egyptian chat room was found to be established by a group of people one of whom is a Mossad agent. Another step was taken by people who claimed to be Egyptian intellectuals or...
The sentences of the members of the Gama’at Al-Islamiyya and Jihad organizations, who issued the initiative to cease violence, will end on October 12. The former head of the State Security said that there is no doubt that the cease-violence initiative contributed to the fact that many of the secret...
A professor of archeology was referred to the General Financial Prosecution because of possessing a great many antique pieces without having a license and announcing false discoveries. He announced that he discovered a well in Tel Basta from which Jesus Christ drank. It was discovered that the well...
The USA Commission on International Religious Freedom issued a statement concerning its visit to Egypt. The information available on its Internet site said that the report on the commission’s visit to Egypt was being prepared and that the commission asked President Bush to raise the issue of Coptic...
Some may not mind foreign intervention in Egyptian affairs when matters are related to the issue of human rights. This is a very short sighted opinion. Despite our disagreement with the government concerning many things, we differentiate between opposition that is working to better the situation...
The Israeli newspaper Haaretz published the text of a letter sent by rabbi David Sebastian to Clinton before one of Mubarak’s visits to the USA. In this letter he asked Clinton to raise the issue of the violation of Coptic religious freedom in Egypt. Mubarak’s last visit to the USA was also...
A suspicious pamphlet from an unknown source asked for direct American intervention in Egypt’s affairs and for the American Marine forces to be stationed in Egypt to defend [American] foreign affairs here. It considered Copts as American subjects not as Egyptian citizens. It mentioned that churches...
In this article the author gives his own point of view about Christian fanaticism in Egypt. In the first half of the twentieth century, such fanaticism was reflected in two streams; a religious movement aiming to reform the church and another purely political one. In the second half of the...


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