Displaying 61 - 70 of 248.
‘Abūd al-Zūmur’s controversial article criticizing the Muslim Brotherhood was published last Monday on al-Masriyūn’s website. The article was titled, “The Imprisoned Can Not Lead and the Hurt Can Not Decide.” Al-Zūmur has since faced mounting pressure for his affirmation that Muhamad Mursi is no...
The  Muslim Brotherhood  is in a “battle for survival in the UK.” Muslim Brotherhood members there are to hold a seminar to reply to the accusations of terrorism aimed at them by the Egyptian government.
“Our peacefulness is stronger than bullets,” were the words of the Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood in Raba’ah after Muhammad Mursī was deposed and imprisoned in an unknown location. 
  A calling for the need to participate in the referendum on the draft constitution and vote "Yes" to spare the country foreign conspiracies also confirms Salafist call - wing "Yasser Barhami", through to emphasize the absence of anything that touches the Islamic law according to Al-Azhar. The end...
Rāmī Jān, the founder of Christians against the Coup, stated that the referendum has revealed the increase of the popular anger against authority. He added that the remnants of the Mubārak regime as well as Christians are those who take part in the referendum.  Jān further stated that the 25th of...
In another development, the Kafr al-Zayyāt Appellate Court of Misdemeanor sentenced an Egyptian Shiite Muslim to one year in jail and for slandering the sahābah (companions of the Prophet Muhammad) and desecrating a mosque in the area. A first-instance court had sentenced Muhammad ‘Asfūr to three...
Thinker Jamāl As’ad said the decision to appoint the first Coptic vice-president is a right one, adding Marqus is a good Egyptian patriot known for his eagerness to serve the masses. “Marqus’s appointment is not an overture to Copts. Persons who say that he would focus his attention on Copts just...
Dr. Wahīd ‘Abd al-Majīd, the official spokesman for the constituent assembly and a member of the panel’s drafting committee, said the rights & freedoms committee submitted several articles – 35 – to the drafting committee for debating. [Sālih Shalabī, al-Misryūn, July 26, p. 1] Read text in...
Thinker Jamāl As’ad said the decision to appoint the first Coptic vice-president is a right one, adding Marqus is a good Egyptian patriot known for his eagerness to serve the masses. “Marqus’s appointment is not an overture to Copts. Persons who say that he would focus his attention on Copts just...
The Maspero Youth Union is staging a protest outside the Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in the Cairo district of al-'Abbāssīyah to call on acting patriarch Bishop Pachomius and members of the Millī (Laymen) Council to withdraw the representatives of the church from the constituent assembly that is...


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