Date of source: Tuesday, December 8, 1998
While the whole world is celebrating the golden jubilee for the World Declaration of Human Rights, we here in Egypt celebrate it in a different way, which assures our backwardness in the field of human rights.
Date of source: Saturday, December 5, 1998
Dr. Mohamed Sayed Tantawi, the Sheikh of Al-Azhar, described those claiming Copts are persecuted in Egypt as liars and their allegations have no logical basis.
Date of source: Saturday, December 5, 1998
Human Rights Watch, a US organization defending human rights, demanded the immediate release of Hafez Abu Se’da, Secretary General of the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights.
Date of source: Sunday, December 6, 1998
Sources in Pakistan revealed the arrest of 40 of Osama Bin Laden’s helpers in a world-wide detention campaign in which Egypt participated. The sources affirmed that 32 were arrested last month, six of them were arrested in Egypt.
Date of source: Sunday, November 29, 1998
"Peace for minorities", that is Israel’s secret slogan. Israel beliefs that wars and conflicts "gathers" Arabs together and peace "scatters" them.
Date of source: Thursday, November 26, 1998
The Egyptian Police have announced the arrest of 100 members of the Muslim Brotherhood group and the Jihad (Holy War) group. Also three terrorists were hanged.
Date of source: Sunday, November 22, 1998
Pope Shenouda III assured that a deviated minority of Copts abroad does not represent all Egyptian Copts abroad.
Date of source: Monday, November 23, 1998
Dr. Ayman Nour of the Wafd Party invited Lord Alton to visit Egypt to see everything by himself, but he refused. However, he agreed on holding a debate with Dr. Nour in London and it will televised through one of the television channels.
Date of source: Saturday, November 21, 1998
Montaser Al-Zayat announced that leaders of Muslim groups who are jailed in Egypt, agreed to cease armed violence.
Date of source: Monday, November 16, 1998
Canceling its first rejection, the Sunday Telegraph agreed to publish the statement of the Egyptian Coptic education-investor Reda Edward which refuted the paper’s allegations of Copts’ persecution in Egypt. The paper accepted the statement in a form of paid advertisement.