Displaying 291 - 300 of 911.
The Ministry of Endowments [al-Awqāf] confirmed that it will immediately end service to whoever publishes, adopts, or circulates the Muslim Brotherhood’s ideas.   
The Evangelical and Catholic churches should soon be able to establish their own endowments bodies, as a bill setting the legal precedent for the authorities is nearly ready for Parliament.
The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities announced the closure of all museums and archaeological sites from March 23 until March 31, in order to sanitize, disinfect, and apply safety and precautionary measures. This comes in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Population and in accordance...
Muslim and Christian religious leaders stressed their support for the government’s measures to prevent the spread of the novel Coronavirus.  They praised President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī, Prime Minister Dr. Mustafā Madbūlī, and all government’s decisions taken in order to lighten the negative...
Nivīn al-Qabbāj, Minister of Social Solidarity, was present on the behalf of the Prime Minister, Dr. Muṣṭafā Madbūlī, at the funeral mass for the victims of al-Zarāyib region, which lies in the Mār Murqus region in 15May suburb.  She was received by Bishop Bisantī, bishop of Ḥilwān and al-Maʿaṣara...
The Cultural Dialogue Forum of the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services organized the seventh round of American-Egyptian dialogue in participation with Hands along the Nile Development Services (HANDS), the United Church of Christ, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), the...
The academic committee for women’s first conference entitled “Violence against Women” came to a close Tuesday evening at the Monastery of the Holy Virgin at Daranka, Asyūṭ.  Bishop Lucas [Lūkās], bishop of Abnūb and al-Fatḥ, Bishop Yūʾanis, bishop of Asyūṭ, Bishop Thāʾūfīlus, bishop of Manfalūṭ,...
Bishop Aghāthūn, bishop of Maghāgha and al-ʿIdwah for Orthodox Copts announced the launching of a campaign on Facebook to fight what he described as false church teachings, innovation, modern heresies, and widespread misconceptions in several places through different means and channels.  All of...
Dr. Khālid ʿUmrān, Secretary-General of Fatwa at Dār al-Iftāʾ al-Miṣriyyah, said that the practice of female circumcision, which has caused great harm in Egypt and other Arab and African countries, is religiously prohibited (ḥarām), and whoever commits this crime is guilty for the damages and...
On Monday, Egypt held an international conference organized by al-Azhar entitled “al-Azhar’s International Conference for the Renewal of Islamic Thought.”  Senior leaders and prominent political and religious figures from all over the world participated in the conference as well different...


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