Displaying 2661 - 2670 of 5065.
This article suggests that Western civilization was based on Islamic civilization, and that Western imperialism is framing Muslims as terrorists.
The Swedish authorities handed over to Egypt Ahmed Hussein Egiza, the leader of the Tala’a al-Fath...
The Islamic Research Institute issued a statement declaring its rejection of associating Islām with terrorism and explaining the true meaning of Jihād in Islam. The Brotherhood member Dr. Essam al-Erian said that the definition the Azhar gave of Jihād went along with the Brotherhood’s...
In its report for this week, Rose al-Youssef reflected on the problems the Egyptian communities in Germany and the USA had faced since September 11. They also looked at the procedures the Administration for the Affairs of Egyptians Abroad has taken to deal with any attacks against immigrant...
Representatives of the Islamic community in France filed a lawsuit against a French novelist for writing a novel that defamed Islam. The subject of the novel is Islām and sexual tourism in Thailand. It contained very open attacks against Islam, Muslims, Arabs and Palestinians.
Asharq al-Awsat revealed that the American consul visited Ibrahim in the prison’s hospital and relieved his worry. He promised Ibrahim that the American embassy would take care of his case in his capacity as an American citizen. al-Musawwar and al-Ah...
The return of the four Christian girls from Malawi ended the rumors that they were kidnapped and raped by Muslim extremist groups in order to force them to turn to Islām.
Pope Shenouda issued a Papal decree to the effect that Christian clergy are not allowed to run in the elections of the People’s Assembly and the Shūrá Council. However, Archpriest Matta Sawerus stressed that the Pope did not issue such a decree as he had agreed to his nomination to represent...
Azhar scholars rejected Prof. Abdel-Mo’ti Bayoumi’s Fatwá that allows a couple not able to bear children to implant their zygote in the womb of another woman. They announced him a deviant from true Islām. Bayoumi said he is ready to turn from this fatwa if any medical discovery proved that...
The persons mentioned in the Pope’s list for the elections of the Majlis al-Millī were the winners in the elections. The opposition demanded reformation of the order governing the council, and explained their opinion that the elections, restricted to Copts over 25 years who either have a college...


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