Displaying 1 - 9 of 9.
The official reception welcoming Grand Imām Aḥmad al-Ṭayyīb to Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand last week sparked discussions among popular and elite observers alike on the untapped potential of al-Azhar university as a source of Egyptian soft power. 
Egyptian Prosecutor General Office to hand 187 supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood to military justice  The Egyptian Prosecutor General handed 187 individuals to the Military Court. They are allegedly supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood accused of killing police officials during the 2013 attack...
Erdoğan links improving of relations between Turkey and Egypt to the release of Mursī  Recep Tayyip Erdoğan linked the improvement of relations with Egypt to the release of former President Mursī and the abolition of the sentences imposed to his followers. In a press statement, Erdoğan is...
The Arab Organisation for Human Rights in London issued yesterday a report that said that August 2015 saw the biggest number of detainees since 3 July 2013 (267 detainees). Of 40 detainees, who died in their cells in August alone, 5 died as a result of torture, 20 due to medical negligence, and 13...
For the second time, Egypt has extended the detention of a journalist accused of releasing false news aimed at “spreading terror” and “joining a banned group” by another 15 days pending further investigation, the detainee's family and local media said.
Moscow and Cairo are in agreement on a policy of aggression toward political Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood. Russia’s stance on political Islam is what drove it to classify the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. Russia’s designation of the Brotherhood as a terrorist organization...
The cases of 22 of pro- Mursī protesters were transferred to the grand Mufti, they are facing the death penalty based on accusations of attacking a police station. Among other accusations the 22 men are accused of “using weapons without license, violence against police, and first degree murder”.  ...
The Political Parties Affairs Committee (PPAC) has not yet taken a decision regarding the controversial request submitted by the No-To- Religious-Parties Campaign, which many believe is backed by Egypt's government attempting to exclude political parties based on religious backgrounds from the...
Egyptian Coptic Christians agitated by two girls’ decision to convert to Islam have ended their sit-in at Mar Girgis church in al-Fayyum governorate, south of Cairo, Aljazeera reports.
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