Displaying 341 - 350 of 1428.
The author warns of a new Abū Fānā-type crisis emerging in ‘Izbat Bushrá over a plot of land purchased by Bishop Stephanus.
Sawt al-Ummah interviews Bishop Marqus, official spokesperson of the Coptic Orthodox Church
Giza criminal court has sentenced a Coptic priest to five years in prison for forging documents.
Pope Shenouda is allegedly considering amending the regulations for choosing the next pope.
The Coptic businessman, ‘Īd Labīb has established Coptic shops to confront the rise of ’al-Tawhīd wa al-Nūr’ shops that are owned by Rajab al-Swīrkī.
A group of Muslim scholars have filed a lawsuit calling for 21 of the names of Allāh to be removed.
Member of parliament ‘Alā’Hassānayn and Coptic businessman ‘Īd Labīb flew to the U.S. to meet Pope Shenouda in an attempt to increase the efforts to achieve a resolution on the issue of Abū Fānā. All parties seem to be willing to work toward an end of the conflicts and Copts expatriates are blamed...
Husām al-Dīn Mustafá interviews the Deputy General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood Muhammad Habīb.
The author reviews Nawwāl al-Sa‘dāwī’s controversial play ’God Hands in His Resignation’.
The article gives a brief biography on each of the five potentials for the next pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church.


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