Displaying 941 - 950 of 1428.
The administrative court have rejected a case put forward by Coptic lawyer Mamduh Nakhla which argued that the Coptic New Year should be made an official holiday.
The author had criticized in a previous article the Church that has been newly established under US registration. The church, under the leadership of Andarāwus ‘Azīz, is dedicated to solving the problem of Copts unable to get divorce or remarry because of the Orthodox Church’s inflexible position...
Around 4% of recent Coptic marriages have been deemed illegal. This high percentage is threatening the institution of marriage within the Church. The Church does not recognize these marriages either legally or spiritually.
Dr. Hamdī Zaqzuq, Minister of Endowments [Awqāf] has warned that any preacher discovered participating in demonstrations will be punished. During his meeting with the Islamic World Youth he said that the job of preachers is to provide lessons and teachings, not to participate in demonstrations and...
Dr. Nawāl al-Sa‘Dawī calls for all state’s offices - President; Sheikh of the Azhar; the First lady and Editor-in-Chiefs - to be elective. She asserts that the alleged reform process is not genuine.
This article is a message refuting what ‘Ādil Najīb Rizq published in the same newspaper on July 11, 2005. Father Andrāwus ‘Azīz says that ‘Ādil Najīb Rizq based his article on a bundle of lies and slander about Father Andrāwus ‘Azīz, and that the intervention of the law is necessary.
The author, who is Deputy Chairman of the Egyptian Union of Human Rights Organizations, regards ordaining women as priests in churches as a sign of progress. What struck her attention most among the different viewpoints on this matter was that of Dr. Najīb Jubrā’īl, her boss, who firmly rejects...
Muntassir al-Zayyāt has played a prominent role in the growing struggle between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Lawyer’s Syndicate Chairman, Sāmih ‘Ashour. He was accused of playing a double game so as not to lose the support of either of the two parties.
The author argues that the government wanted to close the matter of the conversion of Wafā’ Qustantīn, a Coptic Orthodox priest’s wife, to Islam as quickly as possible without considering the possible repercussions which could breach citizens’ right to choose their religious belief according to...
News of the inauguration of the first female priest in France yet adds to the shock waves sent to Egypt’s Orthodox Church from the West, after past announcements on the ordainment of a homosexual priest, the sanctioning of same-sex marriage and late Pope John Paul II’s statements exculpating the...


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