Displaying 981 - 990 of 1428.
Hamid Abdel Majid was deposed from the Muslim Brotherhood´s political division because of a critical study published in an Arab magazine. He criticized Brotherhood leaders, describing them as having the same defects as the rulers of Arab and Islamic regimes. Brotherhood members denounced the...
Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim has lodged an appeal against the imprisonment sentence handed down to him. The appeal is based on 14 reasons that have to do with violating and misinterpreting the law and the constitution on the part of the court. Accepting the appeal means a granting of a new trial before...
Ayman Al-Zawahry celebrated the memory of the September 11 attacks by marrying two women, widows of a prominent member of the Al-Qai´da. By doing so, Al-Zawahry mocked Americans and their war against Afghanistan and proved that he is still alive.
Dr. Abdullah Al-Nagar said that Muslim scholars, who participated in the inter-religious dialogue that was held in Japan, succeeded in correcting many of non-Muslim misconceptions of Islam. Their success shows that there is a persistent need to coordinate among scholars, preachers and organizations...
The title of a martyr is the most honorable title and it is not that easy to call anybody a martyr. While the title of martyr is always associated with Hassan Al-Banna, who was the first to plant the seed of extremism, many people object to calling Farag Foda a martyr.
The warnings that cause fear among Americans did not start on September 11, but date back to September 7, 2001 when the American Department of State sent to all its embassies a global warning. The warning included a statement saying that American citizens and American interests are facing an...
The story of a Muslim youth who converted to Christianity was published on a Web site run by Copts. The story was taken from a Canadian magazine and was also published in American newspapers to confirm the American claims concerning the persecution of Copts in Egypt.
Mokhtar Nuh, a leading imprisoned figure of the Muslim Brotherhood, sent a letter to one of his friends after the Administrative Court ordered his release along with other 11 members of the Brotherhood. The letter shows that Nuh´s approaches have been changed and that he intends to have relations...
Rafiq Habib and Muhammad Afifi wrote a book on the impacts of Islamic traditions on Christians. Because Christians mixed with Muslims whose Shari´a allows a man to marry more than one wife, some Copts, in the beginning of the 17th century, asked the church to allow them to marry more than one...
“The Second Coming Group” in the USA aims to clone Jesus Christ to realize his second coming. The group believes that cloning Jesus Christ will fulfill the prophecy in the Bible, which calls for the use of technology to achieve the second coming and not prayers and worship. The group publicized...


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