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قال د. عماد أبوغازي وزير الثقافة في تصريح خاص لـوطني إن احتفال قطاع الثقافة الخارجية بدار الأوبرا هذا العام بعيد السنة المصرية يأتي في إطار دعم فكرة المواطنة بعيدا عن الاختلاف الديني حيث إنه عيد يجمع بين المصريين علي ...
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قرر مجلس الوزراء إرسال بعثة من لجنة العدالة الوطنية التابعة للمجلس, لتقصي الحقائق في أزمة كنيسة مارجرجس بقرية المريناب التابعة لإدفو بأسوان, التي تفجرت قبل ثلاثة أسابيع, بسبب احتجاج مسلمي القرية علي وجود قباب للكنيسة والمطالبة...
Date of source: Sunday, July 10, 2011
Following the January 25 revolution, migration came to occupy the minds of Coptic youth.
Egypt's Ecumenical Youth Committee, representing youth in the three Egyptian Coptic denominations, organized a forum on "Migration and Copts" on Tuesday (July 5, 2011) in Bishopric services in Anba Roweis...
Date of source: Sunday, September 11, 2011
The wrath which raged, and is still raging, against Israel in the Egyptian street is both legitimate and justified. It is a show of public fury at the killing of five Egyptian security personnel last month during an Israeli operation against cross-border terrorist raiders who had assassinated eight...
Date of source: Sunday, September 4, 2011
Experts call for building a modern Egypt and working towards agreement away from clashes from some of the religious movements, and also called for canceling the religion section to stop religious discrimination.
Date of source: Sunday, September 4, 2011
No matter what successes Prime Minister Essam Sharaf achieves together with his cabinet, he will always be discredited for underestimating public memory—a memory by no means poor. With that memory alertly registering details big and small on the Egyptian arena, Dr Sharaf has miserably failed. The...
Date of source: Sunday, August 28, 2011
The groups which have chosen to break with the “national community” are untiringly shrieking in defence of “the people, and only the people, must draft the constitution”. In doing so, they deliberately deceive and distort public awareness by alleging that they singlehandedly care for the people’s...
Date of source: Sunday, August 28, 2011
Egyptians against Discrimination, an advocacy group that fights discrimination among Egyptian citizens on any basis, has issued a statement that expresses solidarity with the Coptic student Bishūy Zāri' 'Abd al-Hanūn.
Bishūy is a student at South Valley University, whose Dean and Deputy Dean...
Date of source: Sunday, August 7, 2011
A former coach of Egypt’s National Football Team once said it was beyond him to understand the nature of the character of some of Egypt’s national team players. They carefully abided by training routines, they comprehended strategies and carried them out on the green field, and they knew very well...
Date of source: Wednesday, August 3, 2011
The Azhar and the Egyptian Coptic Orthodox Church have rejected the idea of the post of a U.S. special envoy to the Middle East and Central Asia for the affairs of religious minorities.