Quarterly Newsletter
August 2023
Dear Friends,
We hope this finds you enjoying the summer. Needless to say, it has been a warm summer in Cairo, but the center has been busy. Please see below for an overview of recent newsletters and activities.
As always, we remain grateful for your interest and support.
With best wishes,
Matthew Anderson
Executive Editor
Dialogue Across Borders
August 12, 2023
1) Eastern Christians celebrate Holy Week
April 17, 2023
Most Christians in the Middle East and Eastern Europe (e.g. Greece, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine) celebrated Easter this weekend (April 14 - April 16), a week later than churches following the Western calendar.
(Click here for full text)
2) ʿEīd Mubārak frim Dialogue Across Borders
April 23, 2023
Friday, April 21st, was the first day of the ʿEīd al-Fiṭr holiday in Egypt, following an arduous month of fasting, one can feel the positive energy on the streets of Cairo during ʿEīd al-Fiṭr. Dialogue Across Borders would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our Muslim readers a blessed holiday.
(Click here for full text)
3) The Significance of Early Arab Christian Theology
May 01, 2023
On April 5th, Dialogue Across Borders helped sponsor an evening lecture at the Centre for Christian-Muslim Understanding and Partnership at All Saints Cathedral in Zamalek on the topic of early Arab Christianity. Our lecturer was Dr. Wageeh Mikhail completed his doctoral studies under Prof. David Thomas at the University of Birmingham, one of the world’s leading scholars of early Arab Christianity.
(Click here for full text)
4) New prospects for the CAWU Learning Center for Refugees. Your support needed.
May 06, 2023
While the last few years have formed the foundation for the CAWU Learning Centre, the 2023-2024 year will be pivotal to our center’s success in Cairo. We truly appreciate these students’ efforts and would appreciate it if you, long-time readers of our newsletter, could contribute through both the Go Fund Me page or for citizens of the Netherlands the donation page of the Arab-West Foundation.
(Click here for full text)
5) Meeting with the Grand Imām of Al-Azhar, Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib, about Upcoming Conference on Religion and the Environment
May 16, 2023
On Tuesday, May 9th, Dr Matthew Anderson joined Archbishop Samy Fawzy and Archbishop Emeritus Mouneer Anis of the Anglican/Episcopal Church in Egypt for a meeting with the Grand Imām of al-Azhar, Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib.
(Click here for full text)
6) Recent Seminars at the Dominican Institute in Cairo (IDEO)
May 25, 2023
Founded in 1953, the Dominican Institute for Oriental Studies (IDEO) located in ʿAbbāsiyya, Cairo, is one of the most important research centers devoted to Christian-Muslim dialogue and Islamic studies in the Middle East.
(Click here for full text)
7) Dialogue Across Borders Sponsors Conference on Interfaith Engagement and the Environment
June 06, 2023
On May 29th and 30th, Dialogue Across Borders helped cosponsor a significant conference at the Centre for Christian-Muslim Understanding and Partnership (CCMUP) in the Anglican-Episcopal Church in Egypt under the theme, “The Role of Religious Leaders in Preserving the Environment.”
(Click here for full text)
8) Dialogue Across Borders wishes Muslims a blessed ʿEīd al-Aḍḥā
June 28, 2023
The celebration of ʿEīd al-Aḍḥā is observed on the tenth day of Dhū al-Ḥijjah, the final month in the Islamic calendar. For most Muslims in the world, that is today (June 28th) according to the Western/Gregorian calendar. Literally translated as the “feast of the sacrifice,” the spiritual significance of the day is closely connected to the story of Abraham/Ibrāhīm and Ishmāʿīl as presented in the Islamic tradition.
(Click here for full text)
9) Upcoming Seminar on Family/Personal Status Law in Egypt
July 09, 2023
On Thursday, June 15th, Dr Matthew Anderson visited Professor ʿEīd Salāḥ at the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo located in the historic ʿAbbāsiyya neighborhood. Founded in 1863 by Presbyterian missionaries, ETSC is one of the leading institutions in Egypt for training in Christian theology and ministry.
(Click here for full text)
10) The CAWU Learning Center is Hiring!
July 16, 2023
we are looking forward to exciting developments related to the Center for Arab-West Understanding’s Learning Center which strives to offer quality education to refugees, asylum seekers, and disadvantaged immigrant youth in Cairo. At present, the learning center is hiring for several positions for the upcoming academic year (2023-2024). Application materials and inquiries can be sent to [email protected].
(Click here for full text)
11) Interfaith Seminar: Charity and Works of Mercy (Saturday, July 29th, 7 p.m.)
July 23, 2023
The Center for Arab-West Understanding and the Centre of Christian-Muslim Understanding and Partnership are pleased to announce a unique evening seminar on "Charity and Works of Mercy" to be held at the All Saints Cathedral Complex in Zamalek. Please join us as we learn from two senior scholars, Dr. Stephen Plant (Cambridge Univeristy) and Dr. Magdy Ashour (Dār al-Iftāʾ), on the theological foundations for charity and works of mercy in Christianity and Islam.
(Click here for full text)
If you would like to change your subscription to our quarterly newsletter only, you can do this by writing us at [email protected].