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Posts on social media regarding Islamic rulings on drinking alcohol have spread during the past few hours, sparked by a bottle of beer that appeared in a photo during the conference of Takwīn foundation.
Imām Fadel Soliman responds to allegations of Dr. Hans Jansen on whether Sūrah 2: 256 had been abrogated. Fadel Soliman explains the concept of abrogation and explains there is no consensus among Muslim scholars but there is a clear majority view and minority view.
The Jewish American writer Bat Ye´or published on July 1, 2002, an article on jihad in Islam on the Internet. The article is full of mistakes. It misperceives and distorts the concept of jihad. Dr. Abdel-Mo´ti Bayoumi refutes these mistakes.
There are a variety of often contradictory fatwas being issued on television, but the author argues that such disagreement is normal and should not worry Muslims, given that the imāms of the four schools of Islam frequently disagreed over the details of religious matters.
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