Displaying 1281 - 1290 of 1340.
The State Council on Wednesday (Aug. 8) announced the appointment of Counselor Ghubryāl Jād ‘Abd al-Malāk as president of the council in succession of Counselor ‘Abd Allāh Abū al-‘Izz, who reached the age of retirement, as part of a shakeup in the judicial establishment.
A charity foundation’s announcement about a round of debates during the holy Muslim fasting month of Ramadān in which salafī figures would give lectures critiquing Christianity sparked wide-scale angry comments on the social networking web sites that some considered it a call for “civil strife in...
In a conciliatory session, al-Nūr Party on Wednesday (Aug. 8) successfully ended yet another sectarian unrest that broke out a few days ago in the village of Makram, Abū Humus township, al-Beheira governorate. A feud had erupted between two Christian and Muslim families as clashes between the two...
Giza Governor ‘Alī ‘Abd al-Rahman on Wednesday released compensations to all persons harmed in the deplorable incidents after an ad hoc commission estimated the losses at LE500,000 (roughly $86,000) give to 52 families – 45 families and seven owners of stores.
Some 10 Christian families have returned to their homes on Wednesday (Aug. 8) in the village of Dahshūr, Giza, where they had been displaced after clashes erupted between Muslims and Christians, following an agreement reached between security agencies and representatives and Muslim and Christian...
Acting patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church Bishop Pachomius mourned the martyrs of duty, the soldiers of the armed forces killed by terrorists recently in Sinai and prayed for God to bestow mercy and patience on their families. 
Ambassador Ahmad al-Bidiwī, Assistant Foreign Minister for Diplomatic Corps and Inspection Affairs, said there will be no restrictions on bearded and hijāb-clad persons to join the foreign ministry in the contest that will soon take place.
  No one exactly knows what the rulings of the sharī’ah are. Are they the Qur’ān and the original Sunnah? Are they the sayings and teachings of the old scholars? If they are the sayings of the old scholars, then what doctrine should be in use – the Hanafī, Mālikī, Shāfi’ī or Hanbalī?
Dr. Safwat al-Bayādī, the head of the Coptic Evangelical denomination in Egypt, rejected Coptic Orthodox Bishop Būlā’s threats to withdraw from the constituent assembly if the constitution did not clearly state non-Muslims’ rights to resort to their own religious laws. 
Sectarian clashes have always been the same, before and after January 25, and the reactions are the same and the officials’ remarks, expressions and even wording are still the same. 


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