Displaying 1301 - 1310 of 1340.
On the eve of December 31, 2010, a blast targeted the Two Saints Church in Alexandria, killing 24 Egyptians and wounding more than 90 others. In a year’s time, the facade of the church was restored and the remains of bodies were removed off the walls of the Sharq al-Madīnah mosque on the other side...
On the eve of December 31, 2010, a blast targeted the Two Saints Church in Alexandria, killing 24 Egyptians and wounding more than 90 others. In a year’s time, the facade of the church was restored and the remains of bodies were removed off the walls of the Sharq al-Madīnah mosque on the other side...
Cairo Governor Dr. ‘Abd al-Qawī Khalīfah approved the petitions of many parents of Coptic students to postpone the elementary and intermediate exams on January 1 and 8, 2012 so the students may celebrate the New Year and the Coptic Orthodox Christmas.  The governor gave instructions to Sa’īd ‘...
A leading Salafist said that the West knows well that dignity and progress of the nation lies in the implementation of the sharī’ah, for the sake of which lives can be sacrificed. “We are ready to lose our lives for the sake of implementing the sharī’ah and we welcome martyrdom in order to attain...
Minister of Education Jamāl al-‘Arabī took a decision to postpone the exams of January 1 and 8, 2012 in response to demands by a number of Coptic students who gathered outside the ministry on December 29 who sought the postponement so they can celebrate the New Year and the Coptic Orthodox...
The persons who launched a Facebook page called Committee to Promote Virtue and Prevent Vice in Egypt announced their “total independence” from al-Nūr Party and the Salafī Da’wah (Call) due to “the shameful position of the party that denied any relationship with this page”. They said that they will...
Political powers, the Egyptian Revolution Union and some revolutionary movements and coalitions in Alexandria refused organizing any demonstrations today (Dec. 30) in response to the coastal city residents’ calls for calm. The Revolutionary Socialists group, however, shrugged off the calls and said...
In a fear-dispelling step by Islamists, religious parties and entities competed to offer congratulations for Copts on the occasion of the Eastern Christmas and form human shields to protect Christian houses of worship during the celebrations. “The Salafī Da’wah (Call) Organization has formed human...
Within preparations for the New Year celebrations, Interior Minister Maj. General Muhammad Ibrāhīm held meetings with senior ministry officials to discuss plans to secure churches, gathering spots, amusement parks and hotels frequented by citizens to celebrate the New Year. The plan will see...
Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III said Copts will be celebrating the New Year and Eastern Orthodox Christmas normally because they are not scared of any possible threats, noting peace and quiet are prevailing in Egypt thanks to the efforts of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) and the...


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