The rise and fall of Egypt’s middle class

Date of source:
13 May 2014

The early signs of the Egyptian middle class first appeared when, in the early 19th century, the regime in modern Egypt allowed Egyptians to occupy positions in the public sector (the army and civil service). One century later, this class was capable of participating in political and cultural life. This class’ participation was materialized in the first half of the 20th century through the establishment of political parties, newspapers, universities and industries, and then by leading the revolution against colonialism. The avant-garde of this class was formed of people who had the opportunity to receive education that enabled them to occupy positions in the state bureaucracy and to practice specialized professions. Historically, this group merged with categories of traders and owners of agricultural lands to form a middle class bloc, which played an important role in Egypt's modern history. This bloc also led the social and economic transformation processes, particularly after the 1952 revolution that empowered [this class] and enlarged its base following the expansion of education and the state intervention in the management of the economy. This class — represented by its political and cultural elites and forerunners — became historically responsible for governing the country and had a role very similar to that of the capitalist class in leading development in Western societies.

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