Displaying 1131 - 1140 of 1653.
Hānī ‘Azīz refutes claims that he bought ’al-Ḥizb al-Dustūrī al- Hurr’ and that there is a plan to make this party dominated by Copts.
The vice president of the Egyptian Council for Human Rights, Ahmad Kamāl Abū al-Majd, presented a list of constitutional amendments. In response, many voices in and outside the council claimed that these demands were not of the council’s authority. The Egyptian press described the council’s...
Bishop Bula of Tantā asserted in a national unity meeting held in Mār Mina monastery that Maximus is an American-made priest. He indicated that Maximus’ split was a step taken by the United States to infiltrate the church, because it considers the later an obstacle to normalization between Egypt...
While the Jamā‘ah al- Islamīyah called for legislative means to release Shaykh ‘Umar ‘Abd al- Rahmān, al-Qā‘idah called for the kidnapping of American diplomats to achieve this goal.
The author conducted an interview with Dr ‘Abd al-Sabūr Shāhīn on Western attacks on Islam and the role of Islam in Egyptian society.
Jābir ‘Asfūr describes the history of terrorism and the appearance of extremist Islamic organizations in Egypt after the end of Nāsir’s rule and the beginning of President Sādāt’s era.
Al-Maydān interviewed the leader of the Washington- based U.S. Coptic Association, Michael Munīr, about his recent visit to Egypt, during which he attended a number of conferences and asked him for his opinion on a number of political issues, including the increasing role of the Muslim Brotherhood...
This article resumes Father Būlus Bāsīlī’s discussion of his prison experience.
Subtitle:Bishop Bishoy "We are against fanaticism and fanatics, whether they are Muslims or Copts."The author has gone to meetings of Egyptians in the USA and found all to be loyal to Egypt. All Arabic papers published in the USA and Canada are convinced that the Jewish lobby is trying to damage...
At the Ibn Khaldoun Research center, Mr. Magdi Khaliel, an emigrant Copt, gave a lecture trying to justify the attempts of some emigrant Copts and even those of some foreign countries to intervene in Egyptian affairs under the pretext of protecting Copts from what they claim is persecution in...


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