Displaying 161 - 170 of 623.
  The Military Council announced a decision to release sixty prisoners who served half their time in jail. Among them are some political prisoners. Furthermore, Tāriq 'Abd al-Mawjūd al-Zumur and ‘Abūd ‘Abd al-Latīf al-Zumur, who were accused to be involved in the murder of, ex-president Muhammad...
AWR was pleased to cooperate with Encounter, a program of ABC radio, Australia. For the interviews and transcript of ABC please check this address: http://www.abc.net.au/rn/encounter/stories/2011/3147651.htm#transcript  
 Ḥizb al-Wasaṭ [Center Party], Muslim Brotherhood, the Jamā‘ah al-Islāmiyyah group, and salafīs announced the establishment of political parties.    
 Al-Wafd reports seven hundred members of the Jamā‘ah al-Islāmiyyah defect.  
The Muslim Brotherhood has announced in a statement that it plans to form a political party after the amendment of the constitution and the unrestricted formation of political parties is permitted.   It has also asked the armed forces to set a timetable for the constitutional amendments and for...
 ‘Āsim ‘Abd al-Mājid, leading member of Jamā‘a al-Islāmiyyah, revealed that the majority of the group, especially jīl al-Wasat, don't support forming a political party, and whoever put this idea forward is presenting his personal point of view.  He denied that the group is taking any procedures...
The group that broke away from the Jamā‘a al-Islāmiyyah in Egypt last week has announced it will apply to become the third Islamic party.
This article details the Egyptian-German Young Leader’s Forum (EGYLF), affiliated to the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services (CEOSS), that has placed its faith in the relevance of interaction and dialogue among people of the world.
Le Figaro reports on Najc Hammādī and places these attacks in a context of an extended period of anti-Coptic sentiment in Egypt.
A De-radicalization Conference was held on 2-3 December 2009 in the Golden Tulip Flamingo Hotel, Cairo. The conference was hosted by the Danish-Egyptian Dialogue Institute. About 12 papers were presented, mostly by Egyptians, but with contributions from Norway, Denmark and the United Kingdom. In...


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