Displaying 2241 - 2250 of 2708.
The head of the Azhar fatwa committee issued a fatwa limiting divorce to the presence of a third party witness in order to reduce divorces which are becoming a threat to society. The fatwa contradicts all the Sunna heritage and is based on Shiite references.
The Mufti issued a fatwa prohibiting television competitions. Then the Grand Imam issued another fatwa allowing the competitions. The author wonders why there is this contradiction in fatwas and why not unite the opinions of the scholars and save public opinion from having to choose between...
Amr Khalid started by preaching in the houses of repented actresses and businessmen. It was a retired belly dancer who promoted him among them. Dr. Ahmed Ukasha analyzed the phenomena of Amr Khalid and his likes saying that young people gathers around him due to the intellectual vacancy they are...
The bishop for youth stressed that the attitude of the police towards those who went onto the streets and tried to cause damage or confront the security was the same in the cases of the Coptic Youths’ demonstration against Al-Nabaa and the Azhar students’ demonstration against the "Banquet for...
At a Friday preaching, the preacher was asking God to destroy the Americans and the Jews, saying that apostasy and deviance from the right path are the reasons for the political crisis in the Middle East. The author believes that this man is an example of the preachers who mix religion with...
The author expressed the opinion that President Mubarak and Pope Shenouda did not discuss, in their recent meeting, the issue of the status of Copts in Egypt or that of sectarian strife but just discussed the general problems of the country.
The Grand Sheikh of the Azhar was asked whether the scientific interpretation of the Qur’an was against Shari’a. He answered that he did not mind if a scientist studied the Qur’an and found indications of scientific facts but scientific explanation of the Qur’an was not explanation.
The author expressed his surprise at the fact that when Copts felt insulted because of what Al-Nabaa published, they went to the Cathedral and not to the People’s Assembly or the Supreme Press Council. He believes that neither the Cathedral nor the Azhar are places where Egyptians should go to...
The writer believes that the demonstrations by thousands of Coptic youths in the Patriarchate, protesting about what Al-Nabaa published, should not be considered only in the light of Al-Nabaa disaster. He compared between the problem the "Banquet for Seaweed" caused and that caused by the story of...
The Mufti of Egypt issued a fatwa prohibiting competitions based on making special-rate phone calls, considering them a form of gambling prohibited by Islam. The fatwa caused wide controversy in religious, media, and communication circles. One of the competition programs the Mufti referred to was "...


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