Displaying 271 - 280 of 396.
Subtitles:- I never play with my words or dress them up, I just take care of everything.- America feels easy at heart with some Islamic tendencies. It even defends their interests.- The security system will not stand still towards violence.- I am not an Islamic writer, but a Muslim writer.- Wearing...
At the Azhar, English woman Jane Wilman, the wife of an Alexandrian businessman, Dr. Ali Elba, has declared that she has embraced Islam and taken the new name Eisha Mohammed Elba. This conversion was applauded in the national newspaper, al-Ahram, but Youssuf Sedhum wonders why conversions to...
President Housni Moubarak gave a comprehensive political speech to Al-Ahram newspaper last week. This speech dealt with the president’s viewpoints concerning the most important internal and external issues and was clear and self- evident. Yet the problems of the Copts, and their aspirations for the...
Father Athanasios Asak Henen; pastor of the Orthodox church in Greece answers an article of Mr. Fahmy Huweidy in el-Ahram in which he asked for the voice of the church against the American Copts’ claims that Copts in Egypt are subjected to persecution. The priest writes that social problems,...
Ibrahim Sabri writes in Watani, July 20 1997 that ancient pharaonic and Coptic art exposed at an exhibition in Switzerland was not taken out of Egypt in the 17th and 18th centuries, but was stolen at the beginning of the 20th century. The most important artefacts are described.
Yousef Sidhom, editor-in-chief of Watani, responds to an article of Islamist author Fahmy Huweidy in Al-Ahram newspaper demanding that the Coptic church denounce all extremist movements who tarnish the image of Egypt on the international stage by focusing on negative aspects of Egypt, including...
Sheik elSha’arawy attacked the sheik of the Azhar and the mufti of Egypt, saying they were violating basic principles of Islam. Sha’arawy said that God’s word in the Holy Qur’an should be taken literally and if the verses of the Holy Qur’an were clear, they did not need to be thought over.The...
The repair of a church toilet at the Monastery of the Syrian prompted a mob to destroy the entire building while the monk overseeing the work was at the police station. Watani complains that the official press, al-Ahram and al-Akhbar, present the event as if it was a minor incident, and that...
The author is very upset about a Christian author writing in a very negative way about Islam. He advises Christians to refrain from writing about Islam.
The fifth anniversary of 9/11 was a strong reminder of the continued war declared by Islamism against the world, and especially the “infidel West.” This article approaches some of the many questions that that have been raised by the war.


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