Displaying 1011 - 1020 of 1416.
The author suggests that stories of sectarian strife, especially those which may have minimal veracity, should not receive as much press as they do. Rather, he calls attention to Egypt’s other sources of strife.
The author discusses the grave threats posed by minorities in countries like Iraq, Syria and Lebanon as sectarian strife and clashes between Sunnis and Shi’ites in Iraq takes its toll on the country’s stability.
The Ministry of the Interior starts enforcing the law that eliminates religious and non-religious stickers on cars. The aim behind applying this law is to protect the public and avoid accidents.
The author comments on the phenomenon of religious stickers attached to cars. He believes it is a serious phenomenon that can lead to sectarian strife, while national unity needs to be supported.
The author discusses the relation between life and religion. He argues that a religion´s potentially for survival throughout time lies in its ability to deal with life, which is one of the characteristics of international religions such as Islam.
The article comments on the murders, in the name of “honor,” of young Jordanian women who are believed to have had illicit relations or even to have simply befriended men. There is currently an attempt underway to cancel an article in the Jordanian constitution that prescribes a light punishment...
Father Marcos Aziz Khalil comments on an article published in Sout Al-Umma that discusses the new custom of Christians of putting a sign of a fish to distinguish them from other religions.
The writer comments on articles published on Sout Al-Umma that discusses the new custom of Christians of putting a sign of a fish to distinguish them from other religions.
The writers comment on a new phenomenon of Christian youth. It was noticeable that most of their cars have the symbol of a fish. The writers try to find out the meaning and reason behind this symbol, which they believe threatens national unity.
The author gives examples of what he believes is external religiosity. He expresses the opinion that external religiosity is one of the consequences of “the crisis of identity” Egyptians are going through.


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