Displaying 1121 - 1130 of 1416.
An article about honor killings: - “He killed his wife and charred her body after she left the house without informing him.” - “He blew his wife’s brains out because she did not serve him lunch.” - “He threw his wife off the 10th floor for rejecting to wear the hijāb.” - “He shot his 10-year-...
Curricula, social laws, economic and political legislations are derived from the remarkable prestigious status of religion in Arab countries. Moreover, it is the dominant theme in the public’s mind and the main purpose for communities where ignorance, poverty, fallacies, and backwardness prevail....
Honor crimes are committed day and night by followers of all religions. The irony is that Arab and Islamic societies that believe in the idea that honor lies in the virginity of females, simultaneously have scholars that confirm that the hymen is not a proof of virginity. This article examines the...
Studying violence in the Egyptian society has become a necessity, particularly after law twisting, corruption and hooliganism ran rampant, said Maj. Gen. Ahmad Fakhr, head of the board of trustees of the International Center for Future & Strategic Studies (ICFS).
A wide-scale controversy has recently broken out over Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution inside a number of US schools as parents objected to including the theory in the syllabi on the grounds that it clashed with their Christian beliefs.
With that speedy pace in the quest for knowledge and progress and attempts to explore the space, the people in our country are still living in the pre-science age, confiscated, tried or simply wasted for just trying to prove they are capacitated, and so the bodies grow while the mind stays in a...
A charlatan deceived two highly educated women and convinced them that they were not able to get married, although they enjoyed great beauty, because a spell has been cast against them. In order to end this spell, he told them that he had to have sexual intercourse with them. With the help of his...
The fact that some people are talking about the rights and duties of Christians enhances the sectarian perspective that does not apply the principle of citizenship. The discourse used on both the public and individual levels has the same effect. Such discourse and way of thinking would fade away...
Fahmi Howeidi believes that anger ruined the right way of handling the case of the expelled monk. Instead of regarding it as an attempt to attack the public system, violating the traditions of the journalism profession, it was regarded as a matter concerning only Copts. The angry people did not...
Adel Hammouda expressed the opinion that while the church announced that it expelled young priest Daniel who attracted Coptic youth with his modern way of interpreting the Bible and declared he did not follow the church’s education, it did not go public with expelling the monk of Al-Moharraq...


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