Displaying 1241 - 1250 of 1417.
An interview with Ibrahim Shukry, the 83 year old head of the Islamist Labor Party on al-Koshh and the place of Coptic Christians in Egypt.
The Coptic former member of Parliament, Gamal Asaad, says that there is a crisis that should be handled and a priest whose role should be restricted. The Coptic researcher Rafiq Habib and the Christian historian Yunan Labib Rizq believes the violence was related to a poisoned public atmosphere
The Egyptian Organization for Human Rights confirmed that the incident of Al-Koshh does not represent a social phenomenon, but it is not in itself a normal incident. A report of the EOHR discusses the factors that led to the incident.
In the absence of democratic freedom, it is impossible to solve the problems of unemployment, poverty, deterioration of living conditions and the collapse of living standards for millions of the people of this nation and the lagging areas in it, especially in Upper Egypt. All that creates a...
This RNSAW was not only delayed because of the tremendous amount of extra work due to the killings in Al-Koshh but also due a decision of the South Cairo Court on January 2, 2000 to sent the wife of the editor of the RNSAW for one month to prison for an offense she never committed. The court...
Rose El-Youssef magazine continues its recent attack against the Labor Party (in Egypt) claiming that the party has been hijacked by members of the Muslim Brotherhood and Muslim extremists, and that it is presenting itself falsely as the sole party representing the interests of Islam in Egypt.
There is no doubt that Christianity, according to the Holy Bible, has its own viewpoint to money, and consequently to the market culture. The Bishop explains his view in the Islamists paper el-Shaab and warns for a culture of materialism.
Subtitle: In Western media, every Muslim is a terrorist or another Khomeini At the Al-Albeit University, north of the Jordanian capital Amman, scholars from 90 Islamic and Arabic universities gathered to discuss the challenges facing the Islamic world. One of the most important challenges discussed...
An article about a corruption case of a police colonel who was ready to free prisoners for the exchange of money.
Farouq Hosni, the Minister of Culture, says that those who tried to stop the development of society were active at first, but the cultural enlightenment was stronger than their campaigns. Culture [education] was spread and continuous enlightenment campaigns were organized all over the country. But...


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