Displaying 731 - 740 of 1149.
Summary of the Ph.D. thesis of Revd. Dr. Wolfram Reiss about the Sunday School movement in the Coptic Orthodox Church with a focus on the role of Pope Shenouda III and Father Matta el-Meskeen and the place of the church in a Muslim society. Reiss´ study provides an excellent insight into the...
Pope Shenouda travels to Australia on November 18 in a three-week papal visit. The visit includes meetings with children of the Egyptian community in Australia and members of the diplomatic corps
The Egyptian Church began its celebrations of the 31st anniversary of Pope Shenouda ascending the chair of the See of St. Mark. The Eritrean President and heads of the churches of the Middle East attend the celebration.
Pope Shenouda began investigations with directing editor of the Sunday School Magazine, over an article written by monk Basilius of Monastery of Macarios. The pope will personally investigate Basilius, who believes popes should be free from public political activities and completely devoted to the...
The directing editor of the Sunday School Magazine is investigated over an article of monk Basilius from the monastery of Macarios that is said not to be in accordance with the Orthodox belief. His Holiness Pope Shenouda will investigate monk Basilius himself.
In this article, Pope Shenouda gives a full-length study of the Qur´an´s perception of Christianity, the Gospel, Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. He says that the Qur´an proves the authenticity of the Holy Bible. It also speaks very highly of Jesus Christ. It describes Him as the “...
The celebration of the 31st anniversary of Pope Shenouda on the Papal chair is expected to take place on November 14. It will be attended by the Eritrean President. The article gives an overview of how the celebration may be. It also gives an outline of the pope´s life before and after...
The leadership of the Egyptian Christian Coptic community has recently begun to express in public positions and complaints in a way uncommon in the past. The leader of Egypt´s Coptic community, Patriarch Shenouda III, who in his articles, interviews, and public statements used to stress the "...
The statements of Pope Shenouda are praised. The Egyptian press is criticized for criticizing Pope Shenouda.
Pope Shenouda proposes a visit to Upper Egypt for the first time in 20 years. The pope will visit some churches and monasteries in Upper Egypt. The visit of the pope comes after many inquiries from the Copts of Upper Egypt about why the pope is not visiting them.


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