Displaying 221 - 230 of 1246.
Cornelis Hulsman; a Dutch scholar on Arab-West relations and Editor-in-Chief of Arab-West Report first visited Egypt in 1975. Hulsman's line of work is primarily linked to Christian-Muslim relations and he strongly believes that religious issues and relations are an important element of...
Father van Nispen is a Jesuit priest, who is strongly involved in relationships with Islam. In the beginning of his priesthood he chose 'The service of reconciliation' to be his motto. In an interview with Egyptian Al-Ahram Weekly on December 31, 1998, he clarified: "My interpretation of the term...
ʿAmru Mūsā; an Egyptian politician and diplomat who holds the position of Secretary-General of the Arab Leagueand plays a pivotal role in negotiations around most of the major disputes in the Arab world. Such negotations are in regards to the disputes between Morocco and Algeria over Western Sahara...
The Muslim Community in Brazil organized a day for understanding Islam and its prophet, Muhammad, after the Brazilian Federal Congress mandated the 12th of May every year as a day to honor the religion of Islam. A number of representatives of the National Congress and the Parliament of the province...
An Egyptian court sent Mursī’s case to the Grand Mufti for a final review after it sentenced the deposed president to death. The decision was met with wide international criticism; many foreign observers believe the verdict to be of a political rather than legal nature. An anonymous source within...
Arab-West Report extends its condolences to the family and friends of the victims in the March 22 and March 27 terrorist attacks in Brussels and Lahore, as well as to all Belgians and Pakistanis. The terrorist attack at Zaventem Airport and Maalbeek Metro station in Brussels claimed the lives of 34...
14 men sentenced to execution and 37 others to imprisonment, accused of being linked to the Muslim brotherhood organisation which is believed to ‘have political motives’.  This decision has been deemed to be ‘totally unfair’ by the human rights watch who oversee affairs in the Middle East and North...
The death of at least 20 people in Egypt during clashes with security forces surrounding the commemoration of the 2011 uprising underscores the need for an independent investigation into the authorities’ excessive use of force. A woman and a 17-year-old girl were killed ahead of the January 25...
Egypt's Foreign Ministry slammed a European Parliament report criticizing the country's human rights record and calling for the release of 167 members of the dissolved parliament.
Preliminary results from the first round of parliamentary elections suggested that the electoral coalition 'For the Love of Egypt' ('Fī Hob Misr') has made sweeping gains, with Al-Nūr Party far behind in second place.


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