Displaying 561 - 570 of 1246.
The author believes that the Zionist Lobby, which controls the American media, was able to create a state of hostility between Islam and Christianity in the USA. He added that the attacks against Arabs and Muslims might provoke the feelings of Muslims and Arab Christians in the Arabic and Islamic...
The Religion News writers (RNA) Association urged journalists to be wary of using too casually the phrase "Islamic terrorist" and similar terms. RNA President said journalists generally try to avoid terms such as Christian terrorist and the same rule should apply to Muslims as well.
The author stressed that individual or mass suicide is not a recent Arabic-Islamic invention and that those who carried out the attacks in America were not necessarily Arabs or Muslims because American agents are only outnumbered by those who hate America’s arrogance.
The Arabic attitude towards the expected American attacks against Afghanistan revolves around the official Egyptian stance that refuses to join the American crusade. Egypt’s clinging to this stance will help greatly in making the Arabic countries adopt the same attitude. At the same time, all the...
The author expressed her surprise at the fact that while the image of Arabs and Muslims is deformed in the Western media, the Arab ministers of information are still at the stage of preparing a media plan to face this. She believed that there should be a unified Arabic media mechanism through which...
Rev. Ikram Lama’i believes that the dilemma the USA is going through has four angles: historical, linguistic, civilizational and theological. He expressed the opinion that for America to get itself out of all these dilemmas, it should reconsider its actions and go back to the real principles of the...
Bishop Yohanna Qulta commented on the anxiety and the fear our world is living in today, on the many questions about the future and on the relationships between peoples and religions. He stressed that religions can play a great role in reformulating the now chaotic moral values of the world.
Rev. Dr. John Hiemstra, Director of the office of the New York Council of Churches, wrote that there is less restraint in blaming Arabs than for blaming Muslims for the attacks in America, as many think they are against America. He also pointed out that there is a difference between what educated...
[This letter was mailed to us by father Dr. Christiaan van Nispen s.j.] Although there were people rejoicing throughout the Third World over the attacks in America, only Palestinians were pictured celebrating by the Western media. One of the numerous Western cameras that fill Israel will always...
The Americans use a pattern of freedom different from all other societies. They consider their country to be a dream world. However, the events of September 11 transformed this pattern into one similar to the countries of the third world, which is increased frustration, lost freedom and a confused...


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