Date of source: Sunday, November 9, 2003
The article is about some viewpoints of the Egyptian Minister of Awqaf [Endowments] Dr. Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzoq which he presented in a study under the title “The reality of the Muslim nation and the challenges of the age.”
Date of source: Friday, November 7, 2003
The article is an interview with Dr. Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzouq, the Minister of Endowments. He comments on the issues of renewing the Islamic religious discourse, Islamic preaching and attacking Islam. He believes that renewing the Islamic religious discourse does not mean touching upon the pillars of...
Date of source: Thursday, November 6, 2003
The article argues that the American ambassador David Welch in Cairo has the right to express his opinions in which he defends his government, and he also has the right to criticize the Egyptian press. The author expresses his hope that the Egyptian ambassador in Washington, as well as all Arab...
Date of source: Friday, November 7, 2003
The article is an overview of a French book titled “Bonaparte Et Mahomet” [Bonaparte and Muhammad] by Ahmed Youssef from the Ahram Bureau in Paris. The book starts with a question: If Bonaparte expressed some admiration of Islam to deceive Azhar sheikhs [so as to win their support], why he did not...
Date of source: Friday, October 24, 2003
Renewing the religious discourse is a complicated issue. First, it is needed to avoid having a gap between the Islamic Shari´a and the needs of the changing life. At the same time, it is one of the issues which the US Administration exploits to pressure Islamic countries.
Date of source: Saturday, October 18, 2003
Dr. Zaki Badawi, the advisor of Britain´s crown prince on Islamic issues, says that the hijab is not an obligation and that Muslims are responsible for the fact that westerners do not sympathize with the Palestinian issue. He comments on other aspects of the relation between Arabs and the West...
Date of source: Friday, October 17, 2003
Dr. Negadi Abu Bakr, member of the Administrative Association for Muslims in Belgium, calls for establishing a common Islamic market as an initial step toward a comprehensive Islamic union. He warns against not taking any steps to eliminate backwardness in the Islamic world, stressing the need for...
Date of source: Friday, October 17, 2003
The author comments on what he believes is an American attack on Islam that started with the disaster of September 11. He refutes the argument that the Qur´an urges or allows murder.
Date of source: Saturday, October 18, 2003
The author begins his article by commenting on the stand of distinguished Christian figures against the war on Iraq. He argues that some American circles plan to launch another campaign against Islam, and says that American senator Charles Shumer plans to begin this campaign in a press conference....
Date of source: Sunday, October 19, 2003
An American general has reportedly accused Muslims of worshipping idols. The author refutes his accusation, arguing that Islam and Christianity have the same philosophy. He quotes Biblical and Qur´anic verses to support his argument.