Displaying 671 - 680 of 1246.
The law of interaction and interchange- not the law of subordination and isolation should dominate the relations between one civilization and another. Islam rejects the practices of negation and conflict, which characterizes the Western civilization’s relation with others in the past and present.
The article discusses the reasons behind the fact that some Islamic groups deny the other and accuse rulers, societies and even other Islamic groups of kufr [unbelief].
The French Prime Minister attended the first meeting of the French Council of the Islamic Religion. The participants applauded his speech as he explained that the French government would deal with the council as a body representing Muslims in France. He called on the council to be a voice of...
The administrative board of the French Council of the Islamic Religion has finally been elected. Algerian Dalil Boubakeur has been elected as its president. This council is the first body to represent and speak in the name of the Muslim community in France.
The author covers the meetings organized by the Goethe Institute with a number of Arab journalists and specialists in Islamic studies and Arab culture under the title “A Dialogue with the Islamic World.” The meetings discussed the image of Islam in the eyes of the West, especially after September...
The deputy rector of the Azhar University suggests the establishment of an Islamic satellite station to acquaint the West with the true image of Islam. Other Azhar professors believe that till such a satellite is established, Muslims can start writing paid articles in the various Western papers
The writer gives a short and brief analysis of the US attitude towards Islam and its concepts. He presents some historical evidences to support his ideas
The author discusses Muslims’ perspective of the world in the light of the Qur’an and how they should deal with the challenges the West imposes on them. Muslims believe in diversity and coexistence and are against clashes. Their confrontation with the West does not aim at eradicating the West or...
Translation but not mentioned if summarized or not. Could it be a summarized translation? Answer yes or no   
The author comments on Ragab Al-Banna’s book "Anti-Islam Industry," which he believes is very valuable. The book raises many questions concerning the anti-Islam industry in the West and the relation between Islam and the West.


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