Displaying 121 - 130 of 2331.
For decades now, Egyptian Coptic Christians and Muslims have been citing widely diverging numbers for the percentage of Christians in Egypt. In the absence of reliable, published data, the figures vary wildly, anywhere from 6 to 24 percent of population.
Report of an intern meeting on July 26, 2016, with Olivia Keller and Willem Helbing about their experiences in Lesvos (Lesbos) in respectively November 2015 and July 2016. The two experiences show a huge difference before and after the European-Turkey agreement of March 20, 2016. This text was...
In a quiet Maʿādi suburb in Cairo, Dr. Sammy Muthini Muthuka, Kenyan professor at the Africa Nazarene University, Nairobi, is set to give a two-part, two day lecture about conflict resolution and peace building. These took place on September 24, 2019 and October 1, 2019. His audience are mostly...
The Egyptian Moral Rearmament Association (EMRA) celebrated on November 29 and 30 its 30th anniversary. The Moral Rearmament Association is the name of the organization when it was founded in Switzerland before the Second World War. In Europe and most other countries the name was changed to...
This internship at the Center for Arab-West Understanding between September 1, 2019-December 15, 2019was an obligatory part of Veronica Merlo’s studies at Sciences Po Paris PSIA, Master in International Security, Regional concentration: the Middle East. Thematic concentration: Media and Writing....
It is a sunny winter morning in Cairo when I and a small group from the Maadi Community Church (MCC) take the road for al-Qanāṭir prison. Located in al-Qanāṭir area, at the apex of the Nile Delta, al-Qanāṭir prison includes the only big female prison in Egypt. In addition, the complex hosts a...
Russian intern Yana Kabirova interned with the Center for Arab-West Understanding between December 10 and December 31, 2018. Her chief interest was in extremism in the Muslim world and thus we introduced her to Professor Abdallah Schleifer, a prominent Middle East expert, chief editor of The Muslim...
Prof. Emeritus Abdallah Schleifer (84) and Prof. Emeritus Shems Friedlander (79) both served in the Department of Mass Communication at the American University in Cairo (AUC) and obtained the title 'professor,' not because of their academic work (they had none) but because both were acclaimed...
             Earlier this year, a group of five interns from Arab-West Report had the privilege of visiting emeritus professor Abdallah Schleifer at his home in Cairo. Prof. Schleifer is a prominent Middle East expert, former journalist, and leading Muslim intellectual who was among the group of...


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