Displaying 1 - 4 of 4.
Disputes initiated in the Constituent Assembly's System of Government Committee on September 2, 2012 over the powers the President of the republic should have. Father Philopater Jamīl of Virgin Mary Church in Faysal, residing now in the United States, called the Constituent Assembly "an Assembly to...
Counselor Husām al-Ghurīyānī, head of the Constituent Assembly, said that applying Islamic sharī'ah is the hope of all Egyptians. He added that today Egypt has an elected President and if they did not want to apply the sharī'ah they would have elected hindus. Read original text in Arabic
Shūrá Council resume its sessions on September 3, 2012 to discuss the preliminary report about foreign funds prepared by the combined committee, consisting of: Committee for Arab and Foreign Affairs, National Security Committee, Legislative and Constitutional Committee, Manpower Development...
The People’s Assembly session witnessed, yesterday, a heated debate between Omar Hashem, President of the Azhar University and Kamal Al-Shazly, Minister of State for the People’s Assembly and Shura Council affairs, over the article of Ibrahim Sa’ada, the Chief Editor of Al-Akhbar, entitled "Cairo...
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