Displaying 6821 - 6830 of 8331.
The Minister of Endowments denied that Egypt listened to American pressures regarding unifying Friday sermons in all mosques. Still, his denial does not deny the fact that the US plays a role in that concern.
The Minister of Endowments denied all reports by international news agencies and papers concerning the interference of Egyptian authorities. This is in regard to specifying the subject matter to be preached in Friday sermons as a result of foreign pressure.
“Islam on line” web site reported that the Egyptian Ministry of Endowments decided to unify and specify the subject matter to be preached in Friday sermons. This is to avoid “destructive and extremist” sermons that urge hatred for the US and Israel.
The article is a “Letter to the Editor” from a previous member of the Muslim Brotherhood. He shows that all their principles are vain and that he was deceived when he joined them.
The writer criticizes the orders and instructions given to interfere in and change any single item related to religion.
The Islamic Research Institute decided not to ban any religious-related books that are not in accordance with the Shari’a but will only write reports commenting on their contents. The author believes that the decision is not effective and aims at improving the image of the Azhar in the eyes of the...
The Court of Cassation confirmed that the one-year jail sentence of the Editor-in-Chief of Al-Usboa and his brother is appropriate, as it is obvious from the articles they wrote that they defamed the former leader of the Justice Party.
The Middle East is in the centre of attention of the Swiss but good background information is lacking. This made Rev. Hedda Klip, who has lived for several years in Cairo, start a series of lectures for which she uses Arab-West Report as background information. She calls the information of Arab-...
Time magazine published on June 30, 2003 an article titled “Should Christians convert Muslims? A new flock of missionaries has launched a campaign to take the Gospel to Islamic countries. But will they inspire more backlash than belief?” by David Van Biema. Sawt Al-Umma and Al-Usbua believe this...
The author comments on the American cultural war against Islam and Muslims in light of the book “The Cultural Cold War: The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters” by Frances Stonor Saunders. The book comments on the international cultural war launched by the CIA against communism, national...


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