Displaying 6841 - 6850 of 8331.
The article is the text of a message said to have been sent by Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim to Mustafa Bakri and his brother in the prison. Bakri says that Ibrahim sent him a message to express satisfaction at his imprisonment. He adds that Ibrahim did not forget the comments of Bakri on his case.
The Cairo Criminal Court ordered a temporal staying of the sentence handed down to Mustafa Bakri, Editor-in-Chief of Al-Usboa, and his deputy and brother Mahmoud Bakri, till deciding on the petition they have submitted to the General Prosecutor. It also ordered them an immediate release.
In the autumn of 1981 Christian students in London were praying for Egypt. They remembered the dramatic assassination by Muslim extremists of Anwar Sadat, the President of Egypt. There were daily prayers concerning the house arrest of the Coptic Christian Patriarch of Egypt
Arab Satellite channels can be judged from the perspective of being in a development stage and thus needing more time to mature. But the dilemma is that they do not follow logical stages in development. They are indigenous establishments that seek propaganda and sensationalize the news.
Last year, Jews all over the world celebrated the 800th anniversary of the death of Jewish scholar Musa Ibn Maymun, who is universally considered the most important Jewish thinker in the last 2,000 years.
In 1981, late Pope John Paul II appointed Joseph Ratzinger (the current Pope) to be the chairman of a committee entrusted with inspecting those who quit the Catholic creed. This means that the head of this committee is "necessarily dogmatic,” or in other words the possessor of the absolute truth.
The Muslim World after 9/11 is a publication of the RAND Institute, issued in 2004, which attempted to highlight the trajectories of the American decision makers through dissecting the religious and political changes in the Islamic World.
The Islamic-Christian Conference currently being held at al-cAlamayn in the North Coast of Egypt, has affirmed the rejection of forming religious parties in Egypt for they only lead to creating clashes even amongst people of the same faith.
The EU and the US decided to establish a dialogue with Islamists because of the fear of loss of control over the situation in the Arab region. Though relations between the West and Islamist movements are antagonistic, one cannot neglect the weight of the moderate partners that can contain radical...
Watani’s editorial on 24 April dealt with the not – so – uncommon ‘ error’ committed by civil register officials, when they register Christian citizens in the new computerized official documents as Muslims, then penalize the victims of the errors by sending them on arduous wild- goose errands to...


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