Displaying 571 - 580 of 2656.
The Islamic-Western dialogue should not be limited to intellectuals only. It should involve a wider range of both Islamic and Western societies.
A new book, The Secrets of Judas: The Story of the Misunderstood Disciple and His Gospel (Harper, San Francisco, 2006) examines the Judas event from biblical, historical and Gnostic perspectives and exposes the recent media hype about the betrayal story as altered in the Gnostic text known as “The...
A review of an, as yet unpublished book, Londonistan: How Britain is creating a terror state from within is written, by a seasoned observer of radical Islam, Melanie Phillips.
The article focuses on the organizations that are defaming the Egyptian system internationally describing it as being oppressive, violating human rights and doing nothing positive for the country’s development.
The author criticizes the practices of Copts residing abroad, namely in the United States, and their conferences which end in recommendations that have a negative impact on the Christians of Egypt and lead to serious splits and seditions in society.
The author reviews the recommendations of the 4th expatriate Copts conference held in the state of New Jersey, which included demands to amend the second article of the constitution asserting that Islam is the State’s official religion, and an official apology for the regime’s crimes against the...
The administrative judiciary’s refusal to file the lawsuit establishing the “Al-Safawīyya Al-Naqshabandīyya,” a Shī‘i organization, provoked controversy. This article links Shī‘i activities in Egypt to Iranian political influences. Religion and politics are never far apart.
With the growth of home-grown terrorism in Europe and in Canada, scholars and experts discuss the reasons why some Muslims in Western societies seem to be drawn to terrorism.
The recent suicides of three inmates at the U.S. base in Guantanamo, Cuba, are regarded by many as a stain on the human rights record of the United States.
Sources of the Coptic Orthodox Church have told Rose al- Yousuf that Pope Shenouda III, pope of Alexandria and patriarch of the Sea of St. Mark, 86, flew to Germany two days ago seeking a cure for herpes, not a torn cartilage, as has been claimed.


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