Displaying 951 - 960 of 1274.
Sara Hassan goes undercover in the woman’s circle of Regent’s Park Mosque in London and discovers some shockingly extremist and Saudi ideology advocating killing homosexuals, adulterers, and apostolics, and separation from mainstream society, particularly for women. This is even more shocking...
Dr. Denis MacEoin believes that the British government must stop extremist tendencies from developing in Muslim schools in the U.K
The article covers a meeting attended by the leaders of al-Jamā‘ah al- Islāmīyah who spoke about their history and their plans for the future. They stressed the renunciation of violence and adopting peaceful means in their interaction with the regime and the society.
The author reviews the three volume selected works of Tarek Heggy, the liberal Egyptian political thinker and international petroleum strategist.
The article reviews the ideological history of the Muslim Brotherhood and their previous tensions with the ruling regime in Egypt.
Sāmih Fawzī discusses Egypt’s emigration problem, the need for greater transparency and Coptic expatriates. He also calls on Christians to be active players in Egyptian society andbelieves that in the modern age socio-economic factors are more of a uniting force than religion.
This article sheds light on the spreading social phenomenon, religiousness. It shows the great difference between false appearances and putting on the mask of religiousness, and the absent genuine religious values pointing out its negative effect on the society.
The article presents background information on the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood and the organization itself.
‘Modhakkirat al-Ta‘riyah li Kitāb al-Tabri’ah’ [Memo of the Denudation of the Exculpation Book], is a book by Dr. Fadl of the Jihād Islamic in which reveals his discusses issues related to hi relationship with al-Qā‘idah and Ayman al-Zawāhirī its second man who severely criticized Dr. Fadl’s...
The following provides the transcript of an interview with Dr. Hālah Mustafá in which she discusses current affairs in Egypt and the recent character attacks she has had to endure.


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