Displaying 2641 - 2650 of 5065.
New designs of Islamic identity in the western world.
Muslim people and intellectuals refuse to accuse Islam of being an authoritarian religion.
A cultural festival in Denmark shows Islamic culture and traditions.
The former Egyptian ambassador to Denmark refuses to blame the Danish government for its stance regarding the humiliating cartoons crisis.
Muslim communities need to exert more effort to express their identity and opinion in Western societies.
Muslims represent the third biggest religious group in Mexico.
A member of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs blames Western education and Muslims for the hostility between Islām and the West.
A lack of unified Islamic organizations in the West is causing Muslim communities to lose their rights in Western societies.
The Egyptian press paid special attention to the situation Muslims in America and Europe are now facing as a result of the attacks against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, which were claimed to be executed by Arab Muslim extremists. Although Muslims in America condemned the attacks, they...
Aymān ‘Abd al-Majīd writes about different opinions of members of the Press Syndicate concerning hosting a Muslim Brotherhood seminar to celebrate the 100th birthday of Hasan al- Bannā, the founder of the group.


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