Displaying 3041 - 3050 of 5065.
This press review summarizes responses from a wide variety of persons, including Coptic leaders, clergy, and congregants to the controversial Max Michel, also known as Archbishop Maximus I.
The article concentrates on recent arguments amongst intellectuals and politicians over the removal of religious data from the Egyptian identification card.
The article discusses the decision taken by the Syndicate of Journalists’ Board of Directors to form a committee to draft a new law halting publishing- related imprisonment.
The Egyptian National Council for Human Rights (NCHR) is to organize several workshops to discuss a number of issues, including the recently proposed unified law for houses of worship and amendments to some articles of the laws governing civil society organizations in Egypt.
The author, a member of Egyptian Writers’ Association, speaks about the role that Christian families can play in Egyptian society. He cites a PhD thesis forwarded by the patron of the Egyptian Coptic Catholic Church in Rome on Muslim-Christian dialogue.
‘Abd Allāh, the son of Shaykh ‘Umar ‘Abd al-Rahmān, the former leader of the banned al-Jamā‘a al- Islāmīya who is currently serving a life sentence in the United States for his role in planning the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center in New York, has denied any knowledge of the death of his...
Sources within the "banned" Jihād group have recently revealed that the group is currently considering a non-violence initiative, in response to repeated calls from former leaders of the group to reject violence, Ahmad Imbābī writes. Unlike al-Jamā‘ah al -Islāmīya, the Jihād group has no "...
The author warns against the danger of ‘Amr Khālid on young people, especially for those who don’t have a strong religious background.
Drs Hulsman analyses the lecture of Pope Benedict, noting that the text showed that his lecture was unfortunate but the translation made it even worse. The report notes several translation mistakes from the original German text to English. The Arabic texts were then translations of the English....
Ahmad Shawqī reviews the diary of British spy “Hempher”, published in the book entitled ‘Confessions of a British spy,’ and his influence on the development of Wahhābism.


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