Displaying 3261 - 3270 of 5065.
In its issue of last March, the controversial publication Theban Legion reported that the crosses of the Mary Girgis Church in Sheikh Najīm, Tuwa, al-Minyā, were ordered to be removed. However, the priest of the church, Father Gregarious ‘Abd al-Sayyid, refuted these claims, highlighting the...
Western media discusses the return of veiled actresses as presenters for religious television channels. This phenomenon is considered a "new trend", which aims to harmonize between what was harām [forbidden] before and what is halāl [allowed] today.
An attempt at dialogue between students at the Azhar and a U.S. delegation has ended in mutual accusations, with the Americans accusing the Azhar of increasing hatred towards the West and Azharites accusing the West of a war on Islam.
Salāma contemplates the conciliatory possibilities of religious discourse and warns against the use of religion to divide people.
The author spoke about Qinā governor Majdī Ayoub Iskandar, who is the third Christian governor in the history of Egypt, the reasons for his appointment and his view of Muslim- Christian relations in Egypt.
Talāl al-Ansārī, the second defendant in the so-called al-Fanīya al- ‘Askarīya [Armed Forces Technical College] case of the 1974 abortive coup, continues publishing his diary in episodes in Rose al-Yousuf magazine.
Rose al-Yousuf’s latest interview with the supreme guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, Muhammad Mahdī ‘Ākif, in which he used indecent words against Egypt and Egyptians, has prompted angry reactions from the Egyptian public. In this issue, Rose al-Yousuf publishes a number of angry letters sent...
Opinions of Islamic scholars on the issue of misyār marriage, in which the husband has no financial responsibilities for his wife.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s demonstrations in support of the independence of the Egyptian judiciary have posed many questions over the group’s respect for the current “positive laws,” Mustafa Bayyoumī writes.
The Islamic singing business and its gains that reached twelve million Egyptian pounds. Islamic sources asserted that Islamic singing began thirty years ago and it was allowed according to certain conditions.


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