Displaying 3321 - 3330 of 5065.
The author focuses on conditions in Egypt during the time of the Fatimid Dynasty, a group of Shi’ite Muslims who descended from Fātima al-Zahrā’, the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad and wife of ‘Alī Ibn Abī Tālib, the prophet’s cousin and fourth Orthodox caliph.
Muslim Brotherhood officials said they would apologize to the Egyptian people if the statements attributed to their leader, in which he allegedly said "to hell with Egypt and its people" turned out to be authentic. Reactions to ‘Ākif’s statements, published within an interview by Rose al-Yousuf...
Students belonging to the Islamist current in the Dār al-‘Uloum college have issued a statement attacking a play they view as conflicting with the precepts of Islam.
Several students at the Faculty of Fine Art think that art in general, and sculpture in particular, is harām and accordingly they are trying to spread their ideas to influence the rest of the students.
Students and professors of faculties of media in different Egyptian universities give their opinion about the motives behind wearing the hijāb [headscarf].
The author tackles the criticism made by Shaykh Yousuf al-Qaradāwī against the Azhar for not being active in the cartoon crisis.
The article presents a bold book by an Egyptian pastor concerning the subject of sex in marriage.
Despite having been banned by the Azhar’s Islamic Research Academy, Natana J. Delong-Bas’s ‘Wahhabi Islam: From Revival and Reform to Global Jihad’ has received massive support from the Saudi government. Hanān Sulaymān provides a book review.
The government’s National Council for Human Rights has issued its second annual report, which criticized the emergency law, in effect for 25 years, calling on the government to stop all such exceptional laws.
Nabīl Najīb Salāma sheds lights on marriage and divorce in Christianity.


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