Displaying 3451 - 3460 of 5065.
The conference held in Denmark over the offensive Danish cartoons called for by the young controversial dā‘iya cAmr Khālid has created different reactions in the West and the Islamic world.
Ayman al-Bishbīshī continues in the twelfth episode of his series of articles about “The Future of the Religious State in Egypt.”
Many human right activists have opposed the Human Rights Committee of the People’s Assembly’s suggestion to alter the human rights organizations in Egypt to make them fall under the authority of the NGO’s Law instead of the Joint-Stock Company’s Law.
Sharīfa Mas‘oud, a blind Copt, rejects the idea that when an individual does not experience miracles, it is due to the lack of faith in God.
Stories of miraculous healings among Copts by contemporary saints has becomes a phenomenon that deserves study. Rose al-Yousuf examines the phenomenon from a neutral perspective to show real reasons for the appearance of such stories.
Diana al-Dab‘ reports on the initiative proposed by officials of the Evangelical Church in Heliopolis to contribute, with the Ministry of Health, to teaching society about the dangers of the H1N5 virus.
Dr. Rev. Safwat al-Bayyādī, head of the Protestant Majlis al-Mīllī in Egypt, sent a message to the leaders of Evangelical churches arguing that they should play a more effective political role by encouraging their congregations to vote.
The Evangelical church is celebrating international women’s prayer day.
Rose al-Yousuf congratulates the three Egyptian Christian religious men for being chosen as members of the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches.
The author examines the divisions that have taken place among the members of the Church of Grace, after members of the council of the church accused their president, Sāmī Hannā Ghubriyāl, of committing crimes for over 18 years.


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