Displaying 4191 - 4200 of 5065.
Shaykh al-Qaradāwī replies to questions about whether the constitutions of Islamic states contradict the sharī‘a.
Kuwaiti writer Layla al-‘Uthmān places responsibility for the backwardness of Arab societies on the educational system in the Arab world.
Without the right to differ, Nabīl Najīb Salāma argues that there can be no democracy, since variety of opinions, cultures and experiences enriches societies, helping them prosper.
The author expresses his concern that ex-pat Copts in the US are fuelling sectarian tensions within Egypt.
The outlawed Muslim Brotherhood finances its activities based only on small and medium ones businesses, yet in fact, such activities are highly profitable, and give the Brotherhood access to the grassroots of society.
Jamāl As‘ad criticizes the pope’s for insisting on representing the Coptic community politically, depriving them of their rights as citizens, and damaging the spirituality of the church.
The Ministry of Justice has distributed a leaflet to personal status courts and marriage registry offices prohibiting marriage contracts being registered by two defrocked Evangelical pastors.
An article about Coptic prophecies of future events.
A defense of church trials in response to an article published in article of Rose al-Yousuf magazine by Sawsan, the daughter of the late defrocked priest Ibrāhīm ‘Abd al-Sayyid, over whose body the Pope ordered no prayers should be read.
The governor of Assiut has placed the cornerstone of the first Coptic Orthodox church in Assiut.


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