Displaying 4251 - 4260 of 5065.
Islamic groups are exploiting the bad conditions Muslim live in today in order to obtain more authority and power through religion. They misguidedly refer everything back to religion, and they falsely claim that Muslims were triumphant when they abided strictly to the teachings of Islam and that it...
Saad Eddin Ibrahim who advocates freedom and democracy hurries to file complaints at the General Prosecutor’s office against those who have a different opinion than his. Ibrahim filed a complaint at the General Prosecutor’s office against articles I wrote discussing his ideas and expressing...
Last Saturday, Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabia satellite channels admitted that they were hoaxed by an American computer expert. Benjamin Vanderford, 22, from San Francisco, confessed that he videotaped his staged beheading at a friend’s house using fake blood. In the footage, Vanderford sits on a chair...
The practice of yellow journalism has nothing to do with reality. These stories focus on prostitution, homosexuality, corruption and superstition. When you read these newspapers you have the feeling that these stories simply do not belong to the reality of our society.
People suffering from psychological, ethical and behavioral problems have found themselves a place in the field of press. The bad reputation of some suspicious newspapers have tarnished the credibility of the Egyptian press as a whole. These second rate newspapers have spread feelings of...
An unprecedented wave of hate crimes is spreading throughout Europe, particularly in France, targeting Arab and Muslim cemeteries. Attackers have destroyed gravestones and defaced them by drawing swastikas and writing message of hatred. Concerned authorities have not found a clear explanation of...
The literature and the slogans of the Brotherhood imply their hostility towards democracy. But today the highest Brotherhood juristic reference Sheikh Youssef Al-Qaradawi announced a new interpretation that can be summed up in Al-Qaradawi’s words “democracy is the spirit of Islam.” Al-Qaradawi’s...
The possibility that the Muslim Brotherhood would strike an alliance with the Nasserist Party brings up the question of how the Brotherhood will be able to forget the persecution they faced during the rule of Abdel Nasser when they were imprisoned and tortured. The history of relations between the...
In addition to holding historical value, Coptic monuments also hold religious and spiritual value, stories of saints and symbols of the Coptic Orthodox faith, which makes Coptic monuments no less valuable than the pharaonic ones. This becomes clear abroad with many countries competing to host...
This factory employs 130 employers of whom eight have died of cancer and 46 are diagnosed with cancer or other work-related diseases like weakness of the heart muscle. These results were revealed in a report released by the Medical Insurance Authority. The factory manufactures asbestos and is...


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