Date of source: Saturday, August 7, 2004
Hajj Sayyed is the owner of the most popular clothes store in Egypt [Al-Tawhid wa Al-Nur]. He has taken advantage of soaring unemployment rates among youth and decided to impose certain conditions on those who want to work for him, leading some to call his stores “a detention place.”
Date of source: Saturday, August 7, 2004
Last Sunday’s church bombings has ignited worry and caution among Iraqis who fear the outbreak of sectarian battles between Muslims and Christians. It was especially shocking that the churches were full of worshippers when the bombings took place. The attacks were the first to target Christians...
Date of source: Saturday, August 7, 2004
Mixing the two concepts of jihad and liberation has made many Arabs support Al-Qa’ida’s actions in Iraq considering it Jihad. Declaring jihad became open field for anyone who wants to act against his government, his country or against other countries. There is a big difference between the concept...
Date of source: Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Many reporters, especially those working outside Cairo, have turned into salesmen of advertorials (paid advertisements) and propagators of governors’ achievements, in violation of all professional ethics. The Journalists’ Syndicate and the Supreme Council of Press are no longer able to protect the...
Date of source: Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Terrorists are producing, directing and filming TV productions. They film their horrible crimes and send them to TV channels to be aired to the whole world.
Why do we not speak up? Why do we not defend ourselves against this horrible accusation? Why do we not condemn these actions that have...
Date of source: Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Britain has become a safe harbor and a hotbed of terrorists, from Abu Hamza Al-Masry and Yasser Al-Serri, a suspect in the Luxor massacre, to Abu Bakr Muhammad, the founder of the Group of Fundamentalists. [what was the name in Arabic? If the Arabic name is the original name of the group it should...
Date of source: Tuesday, August 31, 2004
There is a noticeable decline in the level of national identification and a rise in various forms of religious affiliation. Religious institutions have encroached upon the role of the state, apparently with good will but not always, through the services they offer to the community in many areas. I...
Date of source: Tuesday, August 31, 2004
A Saudi man called Al-Hussain Bin Abdullah Al-Lehadi claims on his own website that he is the awaited Mahdi sent by God to the whole world. Al-Lehadi propagates his false claim through the Internet and there are people who believe that he is the real, long-awaited Mahdi.
Date of source: Saturday, July 31, 2004
In his program “Al-Deen wa Al-Hayat” [Religion and Life], Al-Qaradawi declared his deep faith in democracy and advocated the right of the Brotherhood to establish a legitimate party to run for elections.
“The democracy I call for is the democracy of a Muslim society, which has its own fundamentals...
Date of source: Saturday, July 24, 2004
A fatwa by Sheikh Muhammad Abdel Maqsoud revealed how shallow, extreme words can be terribly influential on naive minds if the opinions of other religious scholars are absent. Sheikh Abdel Maqsoud banned photographs and cinema, while permitting watching videotapes, arguing that videotapes consist...