Displaying 201 - 210 of 1122.
97% of Egyptian women are circumcised. The Fatwá of the Egyptian Muftī prohibiting female circumcision, the official rejecting stance of legislative institutions in the country, and the highlighted dangers of the operation seem to have little influence on the conservative traditional opinions of...
We need to change our religious discourse in order to make it more compatible with the comprehensiveness of Islam. But America, in its current attack on Islam, wants to change Islam. We want to change with Islam and they want to change Islam. America’s problem with Islam is neither Islam’s...
I wrote an article in which I criticized the group of takfir [accusation of unbelief]. Fahmy HewadiHuweidy wrote an article, published in Asharq Al-Awsat on August 18, 2004, in response to my article. In his response, Fahmy HewadiHuweidy appointed himself spokesman of the group of takfir and...
Last week I read an article by one of them published in Asharq Al-Awsat on August 9. The main idea of the article was based on imagining an Arab-Muslim person in a room with representatives of different religions and races. The author of the article raises the question: How would this Arab-Muslim...
Muslims have many difficulties with modernity perhaps because Muslims believe that they should not achieve anything but should receive the achievements of others. This is a feature of the simple Bedouin life where the Bedouin does not work and waits for the work of nature, like rain or eruption of...
Several readers have sent letters in response to a previous letter by reader Samīr Farancis criticizing Dr. Zaghloul al-Najjār’s articles about the scientific miracles contained in the Qur’ān. The first of these letters was by Hamdī ‘Abd al-Mo‘tī ‘Alī, who said Dr. Zaghloul al-Najjār needs nobody’s...
Rose al-Yousuf presented a file with six articles about the same subject written by Sayyid al-Qimnī, Muhammad Shahrour, ‘Abd Allāh al-Najjār, ‘Abd al-Sabour Shahīn, Hāla al-Bannā, Majdī al-Milījī.
Today, we will discuss the factors affecting this loss of trust between the Islamic world and the West and the obstacles to restoring this lost trust. We cannot say that trust between the West and the Islamic world has vanished completely but it was very negatively affected by the following factors...
Dialogue with a society like the Western society, where there are many orientations, needs a special philosophy in order to reach the targeted audience. Dr. Zaghloul Al-Naggar said, “We should focus in the meantime on explaining the truth of Islam to the Western world because there are evil forces...
The author investigates the traditions surrounding death in Islam, and the belief in the afterlife.


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