Displaying 871 - 880 of 1644.
[The interview was carried out by Cornelis Hulsman, the transcript was made by Fidel Bartholdy]
Polemics are poison to interfaith relations. Unfortunately the salve of dialogue and cooperation often fails to make as wide an impression, leaving wary religious communities under the assumption of mutual opposition. Polemics reduces ambiguity and nuance, allowing the non-specialist citizen to...
The following is the most recent information available regarding the investigation of the NGOs that were raided in Egypt. AWR has followed the news regarding NGO status in Egypt closely and will keep our readers informed of any information that we receive regarding this matter. A brief explanation...
Dr. ‘Abd al-Mun‘im Abū al-Futūh is a frontrunning candidate in the Egyptian presidential elections. He has been a member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Guidance Council for twenty-five years, but now finds himself officially outside the organization as a result of his desire to run for the presidency...
In Tahrīr and in squares throughout the nation, Egyptians once again filled public space. In fact, by appearances they did so in greater numbers than at the height of the January 25 revolution which deposed President Mubārak. What is not clear altogether is why they were there, or who they...
The talk about foreign funding in Egypt for more than 10 years now had been inextricably linked to elections but what is being marketed on the mass media regarding Egypt's civil society most of the time involves inaccuracy, exaggeration and downplaying.
Salafi politics has taken Egypt by storm. This has surprised many commentators who underestimated their base of thought and non-political nature. For others, it has been a validation of years of Salafi work in mosques and surrounding communities to preach Islam and help the poor.   As an aid to...
Shaykh Hamdī ‘Abd al-Fattāh is a unique personality in Egypt. Little known outside of his home region of Maghagha in Upper Egypt, he is a candidate for parliament running under the banner of the Salafi Nour Party. In and of itself, there is nothing unusual here – the Nour Party has searched for and...
Cornelis Hulsman [Reviewer's Note: Director of CIDT and Editor in Chief of AWR] speaks to Watani about the Copts in Egypt, whose number, according to a former Egyptian official is…the number that brings on a headache.
Our November 4 review of Prof. Hans Jansen’s article “Copts” in Hoeiboei, on October 14th led Jansen to write that “Most arguments in defence of Islam are known in The Netherlands for what they are, it makes little sense to repeat these another time. With best wishes, Hans Jansen.” [ In Dutch: De...


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