Displaying 1321 - 1330 of 1492.
Arab-West Report decided to work on a more systematic basis with Coptic human rights activist Rā’id al-Sharqāwi. Rā’id has in the past been involved in several investigative reports for AWR about sensitive issues after Western media had reported about incidents in Egypt. AWR believes its media...
Difficulty to obtain written and well argumented responses in Egypt to biased texts published in the West.
It is obvious from many discussions that speaking and writing about Mission is one of the most sensitive issues in Muslim-Christian understanding and easily can result in polarization, often because what would be acceptable principles or statements in one culture may not be acceptable in another...
The Parable of the Good Samaritan, explaining the principles of AWR to a Christian public in a sermon in different churches in Germany, October 2004.
A report following discussions with young Copts in Germany claiming they had been discriminated and persecuted in Egypt.
Article 2 in this issue shows how sensitive conversions from Islam are for Muslims. Former Muslims not always deal well with those sensitivities. Some stories are exaggerated but others are true. These are the type of stories that need the greatest care.
. Islamic thinkers Gamal Al-Banna and Selim Al-Awa believe that the Qur´an does not state any worldly punishment for apostasy and that apostates are punished in the hereafter. They stress that calling for punishment for apostasy is not in accordance with the Qur´anic principle that there is no...
Muhammad ‘Abd al-Hādī discusses the history of religious conversion in Egypt.
Hānī Labīb comments on the recitals of the ruling of the Administrative Court in the case of the Muslim convert to Christianity Muhammad Hijāzī who demanded the Egyptian Ministry of Interior mention his new religion in his identity card.
The Nov. 15 editorial "Galloping Anti-Semitism" criticized Egypt for not censoring a television series that The Post found objectionable. But freedom of expression means broadcasting all points of view, even the most regrettable. The editorial portrayed the series, "Horseman Without a Horse," as...


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