Displaying 1361 - 1370 of 1492.
The prominent preacher Dr. Al-Ahmadi Abu Al-Nour, former Egyptian Minister of Awqaf [Religious Endowments] stressed that Muslims are the enemies of no one and that over the course of history Muslims have maintained a policy of co-existence and dialogue with ‘others’ [non-Muslims]. Abu Al-Nour said...
No Arabic-language film has in recent years caused a controversy as “Baheb Al-Sima” [I Love Cinema]. The film aroused the fury of many even before it was shown in theaters because of its topic [related to religion], and some even suggested that the film be shown to the church for its opinion. But...
I have some remarks about the American report about the Islamic situation [i.e. “Civil Democratic Islam… Partners, Resources, and Strategies”]. This report was not made for philanthropic purposes but at the expense of the US Department of Defense. The report was issued by the National Security...
Baptist pastor Dr. Jeff Adams agrees with Dr. Larry Levine, an Orthodox Jew, that some statements of evangelical Christian leaders supporting Israel are reasons for concern. But Dr. Adams asks to avoid putting all Christian evangelicals and/or fundamentalists in the same box, especially in the...
Bahīy al-Dīn Hasan, the Director of the Cairo Center for Human Rights Studies comments on the annual report that was released by the National Council for Human Right which has mentioned that Egypt was used as the CIA’s Mecca to torture prisoners and extort information before sending them either to...
[The article of Muhammad Shebl in October, September 15, resulted in an article in the Dutch Daily Trouw] While Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Dutch political scientist of Somali origin, received death threats because of her untraditional convictions about Islam, Egyptians discuss freedom of religion. This is...
The article discusses the decision of the Creed and Philosophy Committee at the Islamic Research Institute that the apostate is to be given a lifetime chance to repent his apostate ideas and not only a three-day chance as is laid down in the Islamic fiqh. It shows the pros and cons to this decision...
It is said a Muslim is not an apostate unless his heart inclines towards another religion. Because what is in one’s heart is known only to God, there must be conclusive external evidences to consider a Muslim an apostate. The article highlights these evidences and shows that death is the punishment...
The year report of 2001 including an overview of the special reports written for the RNSAW. The year 2001 was marked by a strong increase in the number of special reports, providing readers with information that is not available elsewhere.
The late Sheikh Kishk attacked Umm Kalthoum because in one of her songs she described her beloved as being more beautiful than an angel. Also Abd El-Wahab was accused of being an apostate because of the word of his songs.


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