Displaying 1981 - 1990 of 2116.
If anyone would like to see an example of the media of strife, he may take a look at the distorted, fabricated news published by Arabic papers last week. This news is about the statement Dr. Youssef Al-Qaradawi made at the Egyptian Journalists' Syndicate about the resistance against the Americans...
The German government banned an Islamic conference because it will host what it regarded terrorists. The German government can no longer tolerate that Arabs and Muslims enjoy the freedom of expression because of the misconducts attributed to them. Germany, that used to be the number one safe harbor...
In an unprecedented move, the Arab League is preparing for holding an international conference under the title "Arab-European…The image of Islam in history textbook in Europe" in the period from 12 to 14 December.
We were optimistic while following up inter-religious dialogues among religious leaders of the three major religions: Islam, Christianity and Judaism. All these initiatives ultimately helped in building trust between the Islamic World and the West. But, the Bush administration turned the situation...
We have but one choice. The vast majority of Muslims have to break their silence and declare its religious, ethical stance [towards terrorism] in a clear-cut manner. We have to free Islam from its abductors and declare to the whole world, to all its cultures, races and religions, that we reject and...
The Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Miguel Moratinos, is among those who offered suggestions that address the phenomenon of terrorism in a practical manner away from the approach based on military power adopted by many others. Miguel Moratinos stressed the necessity of creating a strategic...
The discussion following the lecture was interesting and covering topics like dialogue, distorted reporting, church building and missionary work.
Critical interview with Lord Carey, asking him why he felt it appropriate to make his comments now, when many Muslims feel they are already the victims of prejudice and misunderstanding.
This lecture forms the background to Lord Carey’s lecture in July in Cairo. Lord Carey explained his purpose of seeking to build bridges of understanding between Islam and Christianity. “Compassion and understanding are the only tools to handle hatred and violence.” For understanding also critical...
These days, Arab newspapers are full of commentaries putting the blame on Muslims for terrorism and others practiced self-flagellation and self-hatred to the extent that they claimed the history of Muslims is a history of oppression, tyranny and baseness. No one asks himself whether what is...


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