Displaying 701 - 710 of 1240.
The author responds to a preacher who criticized him and his newspaper, describing the author as an infidel.  
This article concerns the representation of Islam in popular media, particularly in film. It raises concern over whether or not it is possible to portray the life of the faith’s key prophets and figures through visual media without attempting to create their images.
الاقباط والبرلمان...اصوات من زجاج كتاب يناقش كل الامور المسكوت عنها في علاقة الاقباط بقضايا المواطنة في ظل واقع يرغب البعض فيه ان يحرمهم حقوقهم ويحرمهم من ممارسة الشكل الوحيد للديمقراطية في مصر - اي الانتخابات - والكتاب هو ثمرة لحملة جريدة وطني خلال عامي 2008 و 2009 لاصدار القانون الموحد لبناء دور...
Yūsuf Zīdānresponds to the claim filed against him to the Supreme Prosecution of the State Security which accused him of despising Christianity. He states that he will never give up to those who are against the enlightened voices.
This article outlines a number of different discriminatory statements and issues brought up against Copts in Egypt. Firstly are the statements made by Mohamed Abbas who recently said that Copts are coddled by the Egyptian government and are treated better than Muslims when both are in prison. He...
The Press Practice Reports Committee criticizes some articles for publishing inciting articles which could be offensive to followers of some religions.
This article is a review of the life and work of Watani’s founder, Antoun Sidhom.
German minister of Turkish decent Aygül Özkan has encountered harsh criticism after her call for the removal of crucifixes from public schools.
 Robeir al-Faris reviews the Egyptian media for the top stories this week, ranging from apparitions of the Virgin Mary in al-Warāq, Giza, to the alleged religiosity of the Egyptian national football team.
The article compares religious newspapers issued by the three Christian denominations in Egypt: Al-Kirāzah by the Coptic Orthodox Church, Hāmil al-Risālah by the Catholic Church and Al-Tarīq by the Protestant Church.


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