Displaying 2091 - 2100 of 2287.
In an interview with al-Dustūr, Dr. Ṣafwat al- Bayyāḍī, the head of the Evangelical denomination in Egypt, stressed the right of Egyptian Christians to proselytize their religious beliefs and denied claims that missionary activities in Egypt are financed by the Evangelical Church in the United...
Majdī Khalīl discusses the issue of assigning a quota in legislative councils and political posts for Copts, and holds the ruling regime and the Muslim Brotherhood responsible for the deteriorated conditions of Copts since the 1952 Revolution.
The Muslim Brotherhood has been suffering from the massive state drive to detain senior leaders and subscribers of the group. This started when students connected with the group initiated a parade at the Azhar University, which the state saw as demonstration of the group’s force toward the...
The writer objects to and criticizes the Fatwá issued by the previous Egyptian Muftī Dr. Naṣr Farīd Wāṣil which proclaimed Ṣaddām Ḥussayn a martyr because of his persecution by the Americans.
Talking about censorship and freedom of thought, the writer argues that Islām is the religion of freedom as it calls for it before secular communities. It is manifested as the Muslims in the past did not know any inspection courts of nowadays.
The Egyptian press reports on the recent divisions within the Kifāyahmovement, otherwise known as the Egyptian Movement for Change. Seven members from the movement submitted their resignation following the culture minister’s comments on the Ḥijāb.
Some intellectuals comment on Christians’ political activities.
Despite modifications to the press law, there are still cases of journalists who are threatened with imprisonment and articles in the law which restrict freedom of the press.
Allocating a number of parliamentary seats to women and Christians will not prejudice the principles of equal opportunities or citizenship because, according to the reality of Egyptian society, the opportunities are not equal and citizenship is incomplete.
Students from various levels of education express their thoughts and impression about their colleagues who have a different religion.


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