Displaying 601 - 610 of 731.
The article is an interview with Egyptian Minister of Education Dr. Hussein Kamel Bahaa Eddin. The interview discusses a number of issues such as whether the U.S. interfered in [Egypt’s] educational curricula, whether religious extremist factions have succeeded in penetrating the teaching ranks,...
In an interview with his Eminence Dr. Muhammad Al-Mokhtar Muhammad Al-Mahdy, Director General of Shariya [Shari’a-based] NGOs, and professor in Al-Azhar University, talked about many issues of concern to Muslims. Among these issue are the crisis of the Islamic world, the concept of jihad , the...
The second meeting of the Conference on Recent [Topics] in Islamic Thought, organized by the Kuwaiti Ministry of Awqaf [Endowments], witnessed a hot debate about the possibility of renewing fiqh [Islamic jurisprudence] terminology concerning jihad and international relations. The conference, the...
Women preachers go onto the metro and say loud do’aa [prayers] and ask women on board to repeat after them. Now, the phenomenon has developed. Now women preachers are giving religious lessons in the metro. • See article 4: Renewal of religious discourse has not been successful for the last 1500...
Arab and foreign commentators these days have been concerned with a lecture given by Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury. In his lecture, Carey discussed what he considered to be internal problems of Islam. The new atmosphere in the United States and Europe against Islam and Muslims [and...
A lot of youth in Upper Egypt joined the Islamic group of Al-Tabligh wa Al-Da’wa. These youths claim that they are preaching the ways of God, but they have no credentials that qualify them to preach. The members of the group in fact do not care about politics and the regime. They belittle the...
“Sena’at Al-Adaa lil Islam”[The Industry of hostility toward Islam] is a book written by Ragab Al-Banna [editor-in-chief of October]. He argues in his book that after the September 11 attacks, the American and European media has attacked Islam and Muslims in almost a daily basis. In the West there...
The phenomenon of the new preachers who were imposed on us as muftis is worthy of thorough examination. We need to know where those preachers received their training and how many accredited books each of them has authored? We need to know whether a preacher is able to give fatwas. Everybody has the...
The Brotherhood MPs” never stop showing up before members of their electoral districts through the questions and requests for information that present with hot, eye-catching titles. This is part of an attempt for attracting media attention in spite of the fact that the issues they raise are trivial...
The Doctors’ Syndicate deviated from its original role and became the subdivision of the Brotherhood that serves their goals after the forgot that the original goal of the Syndicate is developing the medical career. In the Syndicate, The Brotherhood holds seminars and conferences that serve their...


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