Displaying 621 - 630 of 731.
Prominent scholar, Dr. Youssef Al-Qaradawi, raised anger in Moscow when he issued a fatwa that proclaimed the struggle of the Chechen people against the Russian state to be the best form of jihad for the sake of God. The president of the Russian deputies council, Doma, Alexander Choweiv, said that...
An Egyptian judicial source revealed that the Egyptian security arrested last week 25 allegedly accused of belonging to the “Jihad” Movement. Another security source said that the detained are accused of plotting to assassinate political and media officials as well as bombing government buildings.
In a study published in Al-Manar [the Minaret] Magazine under the title “the transitions of the Egyptian Islamic movement and its future”, Dr. Kamal Al-Sa’id Habib, a political researcher and one of the founders of the Jihad group, reviews the history of the Islamic movement in Egypt since the...
Dr. Ahmed Bassam Sa’I, a Syrian scholar and the head of Oxford Academy for Higher Education applied a new approach in interpreting the Holy Qur’an that reveals its miraculous nature. Asharq Al-Awsat met with Dr. Sa’i during his visit to Cairo. AWR presents some of the questions Asharq Al-Awsat...
There are dozens of Internet sites that propagate rumors made up by enemies of the nation, starting with Al-Qa’ida members and ending with the Coptic émigrés. Al-Maqrizi Center’s web site has recently spread a rumor about the President Mubarak’s health. That rumor was easily contained, but many...
A number of leading figures of the Wafd Party met with some members of the Guidance Bureau of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood at the Wafd’s headquarters. The meeting, which lasted for two hours, comes after the failure of the Brotherhood’s negotiation with the Tagammu Party and the Nasserist Party...
Sheikh Saleh Bin Abdel Aziz Ale [إل ] Al-Sheikh, the Saudi Minister of Islamic Affairs, Awqaf, Da’wa, and Guidance, revealed that some mosque preachers in Saudi Arabia are supporting the ideologies of misled, deviated groups. Addressing a gathering of preachers and imams at the Saudi...
The Qur’ān is the only revealed divine book that acknowledges religious diversity. In Chapter 2, The Cow, Verse 62, God says: “Lo! those who believe ( in that which is revealed unto you, Muhammad), and those who are Jews, and Christians, and Sabaeans- whoever believes in Allāh and the Last Day and...
Political, social and economic reform would not be appreciated in Arab countries unless the bureaucratic bodies and the Islamic movements were convinced this change and its democratic and capitalist content would be worth it. Unless these two forces are convinced that the expansion of civil...
The confessions of those accused of perpetrating terrorist operations in Saudi Arabia about the ways the sheikhs of “incitement” convinced them that such terrorist actions would open the doors of paradise to them, show that they confuse many of the prominent figures who support jihad. The...


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